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Updated On - February 7th 2024, Updated By - Pankaj Singh

Best Mechanical Engineering colleges in Uttarakhand admission, fees & placement 2024

Are you looking for a career in mechanical engineering? Here, in this article, we will tell you about the best mechanical engineering colleges in uttarakhand. We have also mentioned every information related to the admission process, eligibility criteria, placements etc. You may not know that uttarakhand is famous for its reliable network engineering colleges.

You have multiple options for theTop engineering colleges in Uttarakhandto choose from. 

List of Best Mechanical Engineering Colleges In Uttarakhand 2024

We have the well-prepared list of best mechanical engineering colleges in uttarakhand, down below. These colleges mentioned are arranged on the basis of audience preference and progress record of the past few years. Students can go through this list and choose their interested colleges.

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Eligibility for Mechanical Engineering in Uttarakhand

Mechanical Engineering is a 4 years full-time undergraduate course, which is allowed for admission to only those students who have completed their 12th standard with 55% marks in relevant science subjects: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. 

Completion of secondary school is a must to be done from recognized Indian education board.

Why is Mechanical Engineering best from these colleges of Uttarakhand?

These colleges are being considered best for Mechanical Engineering because the quality they offer in their infrastructure and resources, is not like any casual one. Each support required to be a mechanical engineer or professional can be found here.

The placement rate of these colleges has been improved by 6% as compared to the past few years.

National as well as Multinational Industries, have shown their interest in placing graduates from these colleges.

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