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Updated On - August 22nd 2020, Updated By - Poonam Tiwari

Career & Scope of Food Technology in India

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In this article, we have guided you for the Food Technology scope in India. Food is always an important part of our lives. It helps in making our mood light and plays a role of necessity in different flavours. We work day and night to earn our bread and maintain our living standard in which food comes first. In this article, we have tried to get all the details of the scope of food technology. To know more read our complete article below.

What Is Food Technology?

Guess the different flavours of food in your mouth! The taste of pasta from Italy, the taste of masala or any other flavour of your favourite snacks. How come??? Have you ever thought about how can it is possible that you can have the world’s different flavours in a snack or able to taste different culture food in one place? All thanks to food technology that makes us live in the form of different cuisines.

If we talk about food it is simply the plants, animals, vegetables, milk, glucose and many things that are eatable. When we mix this raw from with technology it takes the form of cuisine and flavour this combination is known as Food Technology. It is basically working with the latest engineering methods and Techniques that involve preserving, processing and manufacturing the foodstuff.

All the processing and techniques methods from developing to research, from manufacturing to production and preserving the food or related substance are covered by the food technology. The people who work in all these systems are known as food Technologists. They work to develop a new taste for the food and manufacturing and preserving for keeping the food safe, hygienic and also work on enhancing colour, flavour, and resistance from harmful toxins and microorganisms.

Required Skills for Food Technology Course

  • Interest in food science
  • Interest in food science
  • Technical skills
  • Organisational skills
  • Research skills
  • Scientific approach
  • Awareness of consumer market
  • Ability to work with a variety of details
  • Interest in health and nutrition Practical skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Observation skills
  • Time management
  • Analytical mind

Future Food Technology In India

Looking at the future of food Technology, which is no doubt, is very promising. Universities and colleges around the world are adopting this s team as a part of their curriculum. Another reason why this field will grow because degrading soil, polluted environment, and water shortages are rising as the major problems to mankind due to which need to produce high-quality food is in demand. So we need people who can use technology to produce the food that fulfils the daily nutrition need of human beings. This is when Food technologists come in. The scope is endless so if you are thinking to opt this stream the go for it!

Jobs & Career in Food Technology

India is off course a growing country where there are around est. 500 million high and medium class consumers which are no doubt this profession is growing on a daily basis. The professionals in this field can easily get the job in the field of food manufacturing, plant, research and development labs, catering companies, food whole-sellers, restaurant, and the hospital. People can choose their job according to their specialization. There are also some regulatory positions on which candidates can be hired due to the introduction of new food law.

Some of the Job profiles in food technology field are as follows:-

  • Food Technologists
  • BioChemists
  • Home Economists
  • Engineers
  • Research Scientist
  • Managers
  • Accountants
  • Senior Food Technologists
  • Head Engineer
  • Production Manager
  • Assistant General Manager
  • Senior Manager
  • Research Scientists
  • Organic Chemists
  • Analytical Chemist


The salary of a professional in this field at the initial stage is INR 1.5 lakh to 3 lakh P/A. With the increase in the experience and higher degree, one can get salary up to 2.5 to 4 lakh P/A. Your salary totally depends on your ability to try new things and your passion for work. It also depends on how one is experienced and the type of organization one is working with. If you are a fresher, your salary can also be defined on the performance in your interview session.

Some Top Recruiters

As the scope of food technology in India is growing many top recruiters are hiring professionals from all around the country. Some of the top recruiters are as follows:

  • MTR Foods Limited
  • Amul Dabur India Ltd
  • PepsiCo India Holdings
  • Britannia Industries Ltd
  • Nestle India Pvt Ltd
  • ITC Limited
  • Agro Tech Foods
  • Parle Products PVT Ltd
  • ITC Limited
  • Cadbury India
  • Hindustan Liver Limited
  • Milk Food
  • MTR
  • Nestle India
  • Godrej Industrial Limited

Different Courses for becoming Food Technologist

As you have decided to step in the field of Food Technology so we advise you to start early after 12th. This will help you in becoming more stable and will get you more opportunities. Students can also go for a course at UG or Diploma level after 12th and a then post-graduation course after graduation if one is interested in taking their education ahead. If you are interested in education and taking yourself in research then after masters you can go for the PhD course. Pick your courses from the mentioned below list and make your career in Food Technology.

Polytechnic Diploma Course with a duration of 3 years after 12th.

  • Dip. in Food Analysis and Quality Assurance
  • Diploma in Food Science Technology
  • Diploma in Food Science. Preservation and Management

Top Graduate & Postgraduate Courses

BTech Food Technology

Food processingFat and oil processing technology
Food and vegetable processingFood packaging technology
Food BiochemistryManagement of food processing industries
Refrigeration and air conditioningBiochemistry of processing and preservation
Crop processing technologyMeat and poultry processing technology
Post-harvest physiology of fruits and vegetablesCane sugar technology
Applied mechanics and strengths of materialsBeverage processing
Food plant safety and hazard analysisBakery and confectionary technology
Fish processing technologyEnzyme technology
Food microbiologyFood fermentation technology
Dairy plant engineeringFood plant layout and design
Food industry waste management

Note – Doctoral course i.e PhD can be done in various streams of food technology for 2 to 4 years.

Some Specializations in food technology are as follows:

  • Cereals
  • Dairy
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Bakery and confectionary items
  • Fruits and Vegetable
  • Oil and Oilseed processing
  • Meat- Fish

As you know how to become a Food technologist or how can you take up your career well in this stream. It is important to keep your interest in specialization in mind and then select your course. If possible do take advice from a person related to stream or educationist. This will help you to make a better career choice.

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