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Updated On - September 13th 2019, Updated By - Vidhyaa

Expert Tips: How to Crack IIT JAM 2021

IIT JAM (Joint Admission Test) is a National Level entrance exam conducted by Indian Institute of Technology’s (IIT) for the students, who are willing to take admission in M.Sc. programs. IIT JAM is considered as one of the toughest exams among all as this is the gateway for the students to enter prestigious institutions of the country such as IIT’s, NIT’s and IISC Bangalore.

Every year, lakhs of students take part in this examination but only a few of them are lucky enough to qualify the exam. Official notification of IIT JAM has been released. As this exam is conducted on the rotational basis, this time, it will be organized by IIT Bombay on 11th February 2021. But now students have major question to about crack IIT JAM exam 2021. By this article we provide the expert advice how to crack IIT JAM 2021.

Now, when IIT JAM 2021 is a few months away, therefore, it is mandatory for the students to start preparing for the exam in advance. In this post, we will let you know some important tips regarding IIT JAM, which will surely help you in getting good scores.

How to prepare for IIT-JAM Exam 2021

Collect a Bunch of Good Books

Good books always help you to get an idea about the expected questions to be asked in the examination. You can cover entire syllabus with the help of books in the best possible manner. There are lots of IIT JAM Specialized Books available in the market, which you can purchase online or offline. However, selecting good books is also a hefty task. Ideally, you should take help from an expert about the best books. They have a fair idea about the best books. There is no need to collect a number of books. Rather than, only pick two-three best books after the consultation. You should consider few important things before selecting a book. The book should include the entire IIT JAM Exam Syllabus with all the important topics. The language of the book should be easy and simple. The book should have enough practice questions, which might come in the exam.

Download IIT JAM Last Year Papers With Solution

Solution of Sample Papers

This is one of the most traditional and best methods to qualify IIT JAM 2021. After finishing the syllabus, select some previous years question papers or sample papers and start solving them. This practice will not only test your knowledge about the exam and also you would know about time management. By solving these sample papers on the regular basis, you can achieve both accuracy and speed. Also, one more important thing is that you will aware about your weaknesses after completing every sample paper. Therefore, you can improve the shortcomings in the next sample papers.

Streamline Your Timetable for IIT JAM 2021

Last but not the least; it is really important for the candidates appearing in IIT JAM 2021 to maintain a timetable in a planned way. You have to give sufficient time for each subject. Besides daily study plan, the best way is to make monthly and quarterly plans as per the syllabus. All the important topics should complete first. You should also make a study plan after finishing your syllabus for revision. Remember, your timetable should include a fixed timings for leisure activities like music listing, outings, playing games, meditation etc. These activities are also very important to maintain your focus on studies. Try to be consistent with your timetable as this will surely help you to get closer to the success.

IIT JAM Exam Syllabus 2021

Getting aware of the syllabus ofIIT JAM Exam 2021 must be the very first step to be taken by the aspirants. The syllabus is a very important aspect of any exam. It carries essential topics as per the subjects. It will help you to make your strategy before commencing the preparation of the exam. You can easily divide the time duration to give for the preparation of each subject thoroughly.

Before, going through the syllabus, you have to adopt few effective strategies.

  • First of all, check out the entire syllabus and make a list of all subject-wise topics.
  • This will help you to know the topics, which you need to cover in a stipulated time.
  • Next things would be the segregation of topics as per difficulty level.
  • Easy topics should be your first priority to finish followed by difficult topics.
  • Now, prioritize the topics which are really important for the examination as the maximum weight age in the examination will be from these topics, so try to cover them.

IIT JAM Exam Pattern 2021

After syllabus, the next important thing is exam pattern. You cannot even think of qualify IIT JAM 2021 before understanding the exam pattern. IIT JAM is an online exam which is a computer-based exam. As per IIT JAM Exam Syllabus, there will be 3 sections, i.e.

  1. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions),
  2. MSQ (Multiple Select Questions) and
  3. NAT (Numerical Answer Type).

Each section carries 30, 10 and 20 questions respectively. Total marks will 100 out of which 50 marks for MCQ, 20 marks for MSQ and 30 marks for NAT. Candidates should attempt all the questions in these sections in a total duration of 3 hours.

You should first go through this exam pattern with utmost care and then chock out your planning and strategies accordingly.

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