If you think you have the creativity and talent of being an extrovert, then we recommend you these most opted mass communication colleges in Uttarakhand. Mass Communication is not only a diverse field, but it also remains in need of people with something creative and new in mind. After pursuing mass communication from these colleges, we believe anyone will attain at least a single job opportunity until the end, of course. In terms of placement and reputed connections, these colleges of Uttarakhand are counted in the top list. Students of these colleges are well established in the industry of Journalism and Mass Communication; hence, this is the reason colleges invite them frequently for guest lectures.
Visit these below-mentioned colleges for more detailed information and self-experience.
Down below are the terms need to fulfill for admission in undergraduate and postgraduate mass communication course, in these mass communication colleges of Uttarakhand:-
Uncountable Job opportunities are available for the candidates willing to pursue graduation or post-graduation in Mass Communication:-
Payscale in the media and journalism industry depends on your designation and work experience. As your skills and work experience increases, your payscale also increases. The initial salary for mass communication professionals could be between 12k to 25k per month.
But after several years of experience, you can look up to 50k-1 lac per month.