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Updated On - January 8th 2025, Updated By - Vidhyaa

Scope Of Air Traffic Controller In India

The position of an Air Traffic Controller is an important part of the Aviation industry. Air Traffic Controllers are trained to continue the safety, orderly flow of air traffic in the air traffic control system globally. It’s a specialized field that requires the knowledge of technical and handling of equipment.

Air Traffic Controller is responsible for the safety of the aeroplane both in the skies and on the ground at airports. The life of an Air Traffic Controller job is quite stressful. Since they have to take care of the air traffic, giving instructions to the pilots, etc., it involves long working hours wearing earphones and giving instructions to the pilots for landing and takeoff from the airport. Also Read for:- Aviation courses after 12th

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The profession involves quick and timely decisions on a daily basis. They have to be able to quickly recall the registration numbers of the aircraft under their control, the type of aircraft and its speed, the position of the aircraft in the air and also the location of navigational aids in that area. The profession of an Air Traffic Controller is considered one of the most mentally challenging careers.

Air Traffic Controller Jobs In India  

The job responsibilities of an Air Traffic Controller are as follows:

  • ATC coordinates the arrival and departure of aeroplanes at the airport.
  • ATC gives instructions to the pilots at the time of landing and takeoff of aeroplanes so that the aircraft stay at a safe distance from another aircraft.
  • Air Traffic Controllers update the weather condition to the pilot.
  • They constantly monitor the aircraft movement on the ground and in the air using equipment like radar, computers or visual references.
  • ATC is authorized to allow the flight path changes if required according to the weather condition, runway closures or any other critical information.
  • If any kind of emergency, they need to alert the airport response staff to take necessary action.
  • They control the ground traffic at airports like baggage vehicles and airport workers.
  • The Air Traffic Controller has to manage several aircraft at a time, therefore, he needs to be quick and prompt in his work.

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Education Information 

To pursue a career as an Air Traffic Controller, the candidate needs to clear their 10+2 examination in Science stream.  They can do 3 years regular full-time B.Sc. course with Physics and Mathematics from a recognized university or Full-time regular Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/ Technology (B.E./ B.Tech) in any discipline.

The candidate needs to clear their written test, voice test and medical test to enter this profession. Air Traffic Controller’s Guild (India) in New Delhi a recognized body gives training to the candidates who want to pursue this career. It is year-long ab-initio training (Under the revision to make it in two sections of six months each). They are being taught about topics like

  • Air Traffic Services
  • Aerodromes and Ground Aids
  • Air Legislation• Meteorology
  • Communication Procedures
  • Technical• Search and Rescue
  • Air navigation.

After the selection of candidates, they are being sent to Civil Aviation Training Colleges at Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, or Hyderabad for their further training.

Employment Information 

To make a career as an Air Traffic Controller, the candidates are recruited by the Airports Authority of India (AAI). They and other small airports like HAL also recruit Air Traffic Controller mainly from the Airports Authority of India (AAI) employee. The training of ATC’s is also part of their recruitment. If a candidate clears the training successfully, the job is guaranteed for them. They are then given the post of Junior Executive (ATC). The job of an Air Traffic Controller is transferable within India.

Required Skills to become an Air Traffic Controller

There are a few skills that are required to become an Air Traffic Controller. They are as follows:

  • The candidate must have an interest in the aviation industry.
  • He/she must have good spatial knowledge.
  • The student can be a sharp memory to remember the consistent information flow.
  • They must have the ability to concentrate on busy situations.
  • The student can the capability to take quick decisions whenever required.
  • They must have the ability to do multi-tasking.
  • He/she must be proficient in English and good in numbers.
  • They must have a high standard of seeing and hearing ability including normal colour vision.
  • The person must possess the ability to work as a team.
  • The must-have a positive attitude towards their work.
  • The person should be hard working and have good stamina to work on odd hours. Salary Information.

Selection Process For The Scope Of Air Traffic Controller In India

In the Air Traffic Control sector of India, the situation is almost like every other professional job. You'll have to work hard for a better and promoted designation, obviously for a better salary.

At the start, you'll be recruited as an Assistant Traffic Controller Officer, who is also called JE (Junior Executive). The primary role of a JE is to assist the TCO (Traffic Control Officer) in a complete manner. This is how you'll learn and grow in this field for a better profile and pay-scale. However, it doesn't mean that JE isn't paid well. The average pay scale, even for a JE is between INR 4-6 Lacs P/ A.

But, it isn't quite easy to be recruited as a Junior Executive. There are some tests that you'll need to pass. Let's have a look:-

Age Criteria

The first factor which is considered while recruiting is your age. A maximum age criterion has already been fixed by the government (According to various castes). The maximum age limit for a general category candidate is 27 Years, for an OBC candidate is 30 Years, and for an SC or ST candidate, it is 32 Years.

Note: The age factor is been taken seriously in the Air Traffic Control departments of India. So please make sure about it before applying.

Written Test

The written test could be said as the first competitive round. In this, you'll have to answer a total of 120 questions. 60 of it will be from the technical section, like Physics & Mathematics. And, the remaining 60 will be from the non-technical section, like Reasoning, General Knowledge, Aptitude, and Numeric Ability. The test will also include some questions of English & communication because ATCOs are sometimes required to guide the pilots of other nations.

There is no negative marking in the test, but if you score marks more than 60%. Then, you can consider yourself to be called for the 2nd round.

Voice Test

The 2nd round is Voice Test, in which the candidate is required to read some written papers which have sample pilot-controller interaction sentences. The main aim of this test is to check the speech of the candidate if he/she is stammering or not. 

Medical Test

The medical test isn't quite in the hands of the candidate. Once you clear the 2nd round, your name will be shortlisted, and you'll be called for the medical fitness round as per ICAO Annex-1.

Salary of Air Traffic Controller in India

The salaries of the Air Traffic Controller in India are impressively good. You may find it shocking, but some high profile employees in this sector earn up to INR 3,00,000 Per Month. At first, you'll get a satisfactory amount, but with certain years of experience & knowledge, you'll be promoted to a higher profile, with more responsibility but a nicer pay-scale.

These are the basic salaries of various profile holders in Air Traffic Control Sector of India:-

  • Junior Executive: INR 40,000-1,40,000 Per Month
  • Assistant Manager: INR 50,000-1,60,000 Per Month
  • Manager: INR 60,000-1,80,000 Per Month
  • Senior Manager: INR 70,000-2,00,000 Per Month
  • Assistant General Manager: INR 80,000-2,20,000 Per Month
  • Deputy General Manager: INR 90,000-2,40,000 Per Month
  • Joint General Manager: INR 1,00,000-2,60,000 Per Month
  • General Manager: INR 1,20,000-2,80,000 Per Month
  • Executive Director: INR 1,50,000-3,00,000 Per Month

These above-mentioned amounts are the basic salaries of employees in the Air Traffic Control departments of India. We haven't included the perquisites they receive.

The list of Perks these Air Traffic Controllers receive besides their basic salary is:-
  • Dearness Allowance
  • House Rent Allowance
  • Consolidated Perks
  • Medical Allowance
  • Rating Allowance
  • Night Allowance
  • Stress Allowance
  • OJT & CATC Instructor Allowance
  • Proficiency Allowance

Top Aviation Colleges In India 

Check here the air traffic controller college in India.

Colleges NameFees
PTC Aviation Academy (PTCAA), ChennaiClick Here
Andhra Pradesh Aviation Academy, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh BombuflatClick Here
Remo International College of Aviation (RICA), Chennai ChennaiClick Here
Ahmedabad Aviation & Aeronautics Ltd. (AAA), Ahmedabad AhmedabadClick Here
Orient Flights Aviation Academy (OFAA), MysoreClick Here
Speed Jet Aviation (SJA), Mumbai MumbaiClick Here
Andhra Pradesh Aviation Academy, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh BombuflatClick Here

Renowned Courses 

Check below the air traffic controller course in India-

B.Sc - Aviation3 Years
Diploma in Aviation Management2 Years
B.Tech. - Aerospace Engineering with Specialization in Avionics Engineering4 Years
BBA - Aviation Operations3 Years
Advance Diploma in Aviation, Hospitality, and Tourism1 Year
B.Sc. in Aviation, Hospitality, and Tourism3 Years

Frequently Asked Questions Of the Scope Of Air Traffic Controller In India

Ques- How to become an Air Traffic controller in India?

Ans- To make a career as an Air Traffic Controller, the candidate must have the following eligibility criteria:

  • The candidate must be an Indian national.
  • The candidate must have a minimum age limit of 21 years of age.
  • They must pass their 10+2 examination in Science stream.
  • The candidate must have an Engineering Degree in Electronics/Tele Communication/Radio Engineering/Electrical with specialization in Electronics with at least 60% marks.
  • The candidate can also have M.Sc. Degree or equivalent with Wireless Communication, Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject.
  • The candidate needs to clear their written test, voice test, medical test.
  • After the selection, the candidates are sent to Civil Aviation Training Colleges at Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh or at Hyderabad. For further training, they are sent to Andhra Pradesh.
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