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Scope of Ayurveda, Courses, Jobs & Salary

  • Ayurveda is a very ancient concept which finds its origins in India as long as 650 BC. Ayurveda comes from the terms “Ayur” which means “life” and “veda” which means “knowledge”. Ayurveda in fact is one of oldest sciences in the world and its practice is considered to promote wellness of the body and the soul.
  • The Ayurvedic medical system is to combine the mind, soul and senses into one working organization and to maintain its balance and harmony. The main concept of this type of system is to ensure that all the organs of the body are working in sync with each other. Hence it emphasizes on the basic principle of “Prevention” which is better than the main “Cure”.
  • Ayurveda uses its medicines obtained from nature. So natural herbs and rock minerals obtained in its natural state; are used to cure diseases. As all products are obtained from nature, there are no side effects which are found in the case of chemically made medicines. 
  • The use of meditation and body massages as well as detoxification and purification of the body including necessary dietary change finds itself in the practice of Ayurveda. 
  • Although many of the modern worlds were skeptical on the concept of Ayurveda have become believers that this system of medicine actually has shown effectiveness in rare diseases and ailments where modern science has failed to diagnose and cure. 
  • As the field of Ayurveda is actually a culmination of many other fields the CCRIMH or the Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homeopathy have separated the field of Ayurveda into distinguished courses being Unani, Naturopathy, Siddha, Yoga and of course Ayurveda. 
  • Due to its foundation in nature, many have become takers of the field particularly the foreign world and there has been a surge in the number of doctors who have practiced the science of Ayurveda.    
  • To take Ayurveda as a career, the candidate has to complete their 10+2 in Science subject with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as their basic subjects. Having Sanskrit, as an optional subject, is quite useful.
  • After completing a Bachelor degree in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery candidate can participate in the All India Pre-Medical or Dental Examination and then pursue a post graduation course either as an M.D. or an M.S in Ayurveda.
  • The post graduation course is for a duration of 3 years and covers around 16 topics of Ayurveda which a candidate can pursue a Doctoral course. Some of these topics include the Kumar Bharitya or Paediatrics, Shalya Tantra or Surgery, Mano Roga or Psychiatry, Prasuti tantra or Obstetrics & Gynaecology amongst others.
  • There are a few colleges which offer a certificate course as well as a diploma course in Ayurvedic medicine.

In a world where traditional practices are finding revival such as Acupuncture and Yoga for the well being of the human body, Ayurveda also finds itself reviving and coming back to hospices all over the world.
The prospect of an ayurvedic doctor has increased due to high demand and hence employment can be sought at:

  • Health Clinics
  • Private organizations in metropolitan cities, cosmopolitan cities and rural areas
  • Gyms
  • Rehabilitation centers
  • Health Centers
  • Psychiatric wards
  • Recovery care units
  • As a teacher or professor in a reputed medical college or training institutes
  • Own practice

To be an ayurvedic doctor, one must have few basic skills apart from being educationally qualified. These are as follows:

  • The person should have a keen interest in people and their well being
  • An aspiring ayurvedic doctor should have excellent observation power.
  • The person should have immense patience in his work.
  • One should have good verbal and written communication skills.
  • One should have good personal skills while dealing with patients.
  • To pursue a career in Ayurveda, the candidate must have completed their 10+2 in science, preferably with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as their main subjects and then pursue a BAMS or Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery. This course is 5- 6 years duration course which also includes the internship. 
  • To apply for a course in BAMS one needs to appear for an All India Pre-Medical/Dental Entrance Exam.  
  • After graduation in BAMS, one can apply for post graduation as in M.D. in Ayurveda or Master of Surgery in the field of Ayurveda. 

An Ayurvedic doctor treats many chronic diseases contrary to belief and as the entire process requires an individualistic and holistic approach there are certain aspects which an aspiring ayurvedic doctor must keep in mind which are as follows:

  • As ayurvedic doctor must be aware of the medical history of the patient which includes blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels, lifestyle, diet, etc.
  • An Ayurvedic doctor must know the properties of the various herbs being involved in the ailment as a mixture of the wrong herbs can be fatal.
  • An Ayurvedic doctor must understand the three senses of humor involved in the body to give the best possible cure and prevent any imbalance of the three humors and restore the balance of the mind, body, and soul. 
  • A fresher can earn starting pay package of Rs. 20000/- per month and with time and practice several ayurvedic doctors are earning about a minimum of Rs.40,000-50,000 per month
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