  • +918800235665
Updated On - September 23rd 2019, Updated By - Vidhyaa

Adventure Flight Education (AFE), Ghaziabad

  • We the "Adventure Flight Education " feel very proud to warmly welcome you to the most renowned and esteemed educational organization where  Pilots, Air-Hostesses and Flight Pursuers are successfully trained and converted into professionals .
  • "To be what we are and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only end of progress". In 2021, Adventure Flight Education and Sports INC.was established. Finally, the much awaited dream has come true, a school envisioned to be constantly guided by the principles of high quality and utmost professionalism, affording its graduates the competency and bright future in the field of aviation
  • To become the number one Aviation Institution in this industry by providing our pilot & flight dispatcher trainees with an unparalleled method of flight training conducted by highly trained and qualified flight instructors using the safest methods available"
  • "To create and shape our pilot and other trainees to their fullest potential, thus providing the world of aviation the best of our professionals.



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