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Updated On - March 3rd 2025, Updated By - Pankaj Singh

BFIT Group of Institutions Dehradun Scholarship

Scholarship TypeEligibility CriteriaRemarks
Early AdmissionBased on early applicationSubject to seat availability and document authentication
Academic PerformanceBased on Class XII/Bachelor’s Degree marksConverted as per CBSE/ICSE/National Board/UGC norms
Sports ScholarshipNational/State-level sports participationMust meet institution’s competition guidelines
Cultural ScholarshipExcellence in cultural activitiesApproved by respective organizations
R&D ScholarshipResearch & Development contributionsVerification required
Co-curricular ScholarshipParticipation in co-curricular activitiesMust meet institution’s eligibility criteria
Social Service ScholarshipContribution to social workProof/certificates required
Uttarakhand Domicile ScholarshipResidents of UttarakhandBased on state policies
National Level Entrance TestsPerformance in national entrance examsSubject to institution’s approval
GD/PI-Based ScholarshipPerformance in Group Discussion/Personal InterviewVerification required
Scholarship Based on Qualifying ExamBoard/University/equivalent examination marksOnly one category can be availed

Scholarship Bracket Based on Marks/CGPA

Percentage (%)CGPA EquivalentScholarship Eligibility
95% or more10 CGPAEligible for highest scholarship bracket
90% - 94.99%9.5 - 9.99 CGPAEligible for second-highest scholarship bracket
80% - 89.99%8.5 - 9.49 CGPAEligible for moderate scholarship bracket
70% - 79.99%7.5 - 8.49 CGPAEligible for base-level scholarship

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Scholarship Terms & Conditions

Government/NGO Scholarship AdjustmentIf a student receives a government/NGO scholarship, BFIT’s scholarship will be adjusted accordingly
Seat AvailabilityScholarships are subject to availability and cannot be changed later
Document SubmissionProof/certificates must be uploaded during the application process
Certificate ValidityOnly certificates valid from 31st March 2022 till the date of application will be accepted
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