  • +918800235665
Updated On - January 24th 2025, Updated By - Vidhyaa

Galgotias University Greater Noida Admission 2025-26: Placements, Cutoff, Fees

The Galgotias University, Greater Noida was established in the year 2011 as a private college in Greater Noida. The Galgotias University, Greater Noida is approved by the PCI, BCI, INC, COA,NCTE and NCHM. Galgotias University, Greater Noida  is widely spread across around 52 acres of land . Galgotias University, Greater Noidapopular courses are MBA and B Tech.  Galgotias University, Greater Noida is famous for offering various courses at the top most level.

GU Ranked as the 50th for Pharmacy by NIRF and 98th in Management by NIRF. Galgotias University, Greater Noida gives top most education with practical knowledge. GU had observed a 98% of placements taken place at the placement 2024. Galgotias University, Greater Noida is recognised by the UGC.

The Galgotias University, Greater Noida  offers various year long and more courses in B.Sc (Hons.) Microbiology,  B.Sc (Hons.) Zoology, B.Sc (Hons.) Biochemistry, B.Sc Food Science and Dietetics, B.Sc Healthcare and Clinical Research, B.Sc (Hons.) Forensic Science, B.Tech in Biotechnology, B.Tech in Food Technology, B.Tech in Biomedical Engineering.

The various departments offered by the  Galgotias University, Greater Noida   are Biochemistry, Food Science and Dietetics, Healthcare and Hospital Management, Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Medical Biotechnology, Biotechnology, Food Technology, Biomedical Engineering, Forensic Science etc.


Program Name



Department of Humanities

BA (Hons. with Research) Psychology *

4 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate. Students with CUET Score preferred.


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) B.A (Hons/Hons with Research) Psychology Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent.

2) XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.


BA (Hons.) Economics

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate. Students with CUET Score preferred.


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) B.A (Hons/Hons with Research) Economics Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent.

2) XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.


BA (Hons. with Research) Economics *

4 Years



BA (Hons.) Political Science

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate. Students with CUET Score preferred.


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) B.A (Hons/Hons with Research) Political Science Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent.

2) XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.


BA (Hons. with Research) Political Science *

4 Years



BA (Hons.) Sociology

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate. Students with CUET Score preferred.


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) B.A(Hons/Hons with Research) Sociology Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent.

2) XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.


BA (Hons. with Research) Sociology *

4 Years



BA (Hons.) Liberal Arts

4 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate. Students with CUET Score preferred.


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Economics

4 Years

XII with Maths/Economics with minimum 50% marks in aggregate. Students with CUET Score preferred.


MA in Economics

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with minimum 50% marks or equivalent. Students with CUET Score preferred.


MA in English

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with minimum 50% marks or equivalent. Students with CUET Score preferred.


MA in Sociology

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with minimum 50% marks or equivalent. Students with CUET Score preferred.


MA (Linguistics)

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with minimum 50% marks or equivalent. Students with CUET Score preferred.


M.A. (Politics and International Relations)

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with minimum 50% marks or equivalent. Students with CUET Score preferred.


M.A. Psychology

2 Years

B.A/B.A. (Hons.) in Psychology with not less than 50% marks OR any other equivalent graduate degree OR B.A./Bachelor of Science/B. Com./B. Com./ (Hons.)/Bachelor of Science with minimum 55% marks in aggregate.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology


1) After 2-year (4-semester) master’s degree with 55% marks or ‘B’ grade on UGC 10-point scale.

2) After 4-year (8-semester) bachelor’s with 7.5 CGPA or relevant qualifications.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in English


Same eligibility as Ph.D. in Psychology


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Political Science


Same eligibility as Ph.D. in Psychology


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Economics


Same eligibility as Ph.D. in Psychology


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Sociology


Same eligibility as Ph.D. in Psychology


Program Name



Department of Mass Communication

BA Journalism and Mass Communication

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) B.A (Hons/Hons with Research) Journalism and Mass Communication Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent.

2) XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.


BA (Hons. with Research) Journalism and Mass Communication *

4 Years



BA Film Production and Theatre

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate


BA (Hons. with Research) Film Production and Theatre *

4 Years



BA Strategic Communication

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate


BA (Hons. with Research) Strategic Communication *

4 Years



B.Sc. Cinema

3 Years

XII with minimum 45% marks in aggregate (40% for SC/ST candidates)


M.A in Journalism and Mass Communication

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with minimum 50% marks or equivalent


M.Sc. Cinema

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with minimum 45% marks or equivalent


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mass Communication


A candidate seeking admission after a 2-year (4-semester) master’s degree should have at least an aggregate of 55% marks or its equivalent grade ‘B’ on the UGC 10-point scale.

A candidate seeking admission after a 4-year (8-semester) bachelor’s degree in research should have a minimum CGPA of 7.5/10 with DBT-BET/ ICMR-JRF/ GATE/ UGC-NET/ CSIR-JRF/ ARS-NET/ GPAT qualifications.

Candidates who have secured their master’s degree under (10+2) +3+2 or (10+2) +4+2 or (10+2) +4 patterns of study are eligible to enrol in the PhD programmes as per NEP 2020.

A 1-year (2-semester) master’s degree after 4-year undergraduate degree/ 5 years integrated master’s degree with at least an aggregate 55% marks or its equivalent grade ‘B’ in the UGC 10-point scale or an equivalent grade on a point scale wherever grading system is followed or an equivalent degree from a foreign educational institution accredited by approved, recognized by an authority, and established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country to assess, accredit or assure quality and standards of educational institutions.


Program Name



Department of Finance & Commerce

B. Com (Hons.)

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks aggregate and Mathematics/Commerce as a subject in XII level.

Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) B. Com (Hons/Hons with Research) Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent.

2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.


B. Com (Hons. with Research) *

4 Years



B. Com (Hons.) International Accounting and Finance

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks aggregate and Mathematics/Commerce as a subject in XII level.

Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) B. Com (Hons/Hons with Research) Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent.

2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.


B. Com (Hons. with Research) International Accounting and Finance *

4 Years



B. Com (Hons.) Applied Finance and Analytics

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% aggregate marks and Mathematics/Commerce as a subject in XII level.

Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


B. Com (Hons. with Research) Applied Finance and Analytics

4 Years



B. Com (Hons.) Financial Markets

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks aggregate and Mathematics/Commerce as a subject in XII level.

Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) B. Com (Hons/Hons with Research) Financial Markets Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent.

2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.


B. Com (Hons. with Research) Financial Markets *

4 Years




2 Years

Bachelor Degree in Commerce minimum 50% marks or equivalent


Master of Finance and Control

2 Years

Bachelor Degree in Commerce minimum 50% marks or equivalent


Program Name



Department of Basic Sciences

B.Sc (Hons.) Chemistry

3 Years

XIIth with Science with minimum 50% aggregate marks.

Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) B.Sc (Hons/Hons with Research) in Chemistry Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent.

2) XII with Science with minimum 50% marks.


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Chemistry *

4 Years



B.Sc (Hons.) Mathematics

3 Years

XIIth with mathematics with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.

Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) B.Sc in Maths Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent.

2) XIIth with mathematics as one of the subjects with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Mathematics *

4 Years



B.Sc (Hons.) Physics

3 Years

XIIth with Science with minimum 50% aggregate marks.

Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) B.Sc in Physics Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent.

2) XII with Science with minimum 50% marks.


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Physics *

4 Years



B.Sc (General) PCM

3 Years

XII with PCM with minimum 50% marks.

Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) (General) PCM *

4 Years



M.Sc. in Physics

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with Physics as one of the subjects with a minimum 50% marks or equivalent


M.Sc. in Chemistry

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with Chemistry as one of the subjects with a minimum 50% marks or equivalent


M.Sc. in Mathematics

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with Maths as one of the subjects with a minimum 50% marks or equivalent


M.Sc. in Sustainability

2 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Graduation in Science, Engineering or any other relevant field.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Chemistry


A candidate seeking admission after a 2-year (4-semester) master’s degree should have at least an aggregate of 55% marks or its equivalent grade ‘B’ on the UGC 10-point scale.

A candidate seeking admission after a 4-year (8-semester) bachelor’s degree in research should have a minimum CGPA of 7.5/10 with DBT-BET/ ICMR-JRF/ GATE/ UGC-NET/ CSIR-JRF/ ARS-NET/ GPAT qualifications.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physics


A candidate seeking admission after a 2-year (4-semester) master’s degree should have at least an aggregate of 55% marks or its equivalent grade ‘B’ on the UGC 10-point scale.

A candidate seeking admission after a 4-year (8-semester) bachelor’s degree in research should have a minimum CGPA of 7.5/10 with DBT-BET/ ICMR-JRF/ GATE/ UGC-NET/ CSIR-JRF/ ARS-NET/ GPAT qualifications.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mathematics




Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Sustainability


A candidate seeking admission after a 2-year (4-semester) master’s degree should have at least an aggregate of 55% marks or its equivalent grade ‘B’ on the UGC 10-point scale.

A candidate seeking admission after a 4-year (8-semester) bachelor’s degree in research should have a minimum CGPA of 7.5/10 with DBT-BET/ ICMR-JRF/ GATE/ UGC-NET/ CSIR-JRF/ ARS-NET/ GPAT qualifications.




Candidates who have secured their master’s degree under (10+2) +3+2 or (10+2) +4+2 or (10+2) +4 patterns of study are eligible to enroll in the PhD programmes as per NEP 2020.

A 1-year (2-semester) master’s degree after 4-year undergraduate degree/ 5 years integrated master’s degree with at least an aggregate 55% marks or its equivalent grade ‘B’ in the UGC 10-point scale or an equivalent grade on a point scale wherever grading system is followed or an equivalent degree from a foreign educational institution accredited by approved, recognized by an authority, and established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country to assess, accredit or assure quality and standards of educational institutions.




GU may decide its selection procedure for PhD admission of international candidates, keeping in view the guidelines/ norms issued by statutory/regulatory bodies from time to time.

The PhD candidates from other universities can transfer their PhD to GU; the PhD credits are acceptable with the NoC from the Registrar of the migrating university if they have completed the course credits as per the minimum standards of PhD regulations of UGC, 2022. Additionally, the candidate must submit a self-attested letter stating the reason for migrating and the coursework completion certificate.

Program Name




B.Sc (Hons.) Chemistry

3 Years

XIIth with Science (50% aggregate); CUET score preferred


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Chemistry

4 Years

As above, with a focus on research


B.Sc (Hons.) Mathematics

3 Years

XIIth with Mathematics (50% aggregate); CUET score preferred


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Mathematics

4 Years

As above, with a focus on research


B.Sc (Hons.) Physics

3 Years

XIIth with Science (50% aggregate); CUET score preferred


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Physics

4 Years

As above, with a focus on research


B.Sc (General) PCM

3 Years

XIIth with PCM (50% marks); CUET score preferred


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) (General) PCM

4 Years

As above, with a focus on research


M.Sc. in Physics

2 Years

Bachelors with Physics (50% marks)


M.Sc. in Chemistry

2 Years

Bachelors with Chemistry (50% marks)


M.Sc. in Mathematics

2 Years

Bachelors with Mathematics (50% marks)


M.Sc. in Sustainability

2 Years

Graduation in Science, Engineering, or relevant field (50% marks)


Ph.D. in Chemistry

Cwork 1+2

Master’s (55% aggregate) or 4-year research-based Bachelor’s with 7.5/10 CGPA, qualifying exams preferred


Ph.D. in Physics

Cwork 1+2

Same as above


Ph.D. in Mathematics

Cwork 1+2

Same as above


Ph.D. in Sustainability

Cwork 1+2

Same as above


Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences

Cwork 1+2

Same as above


Program Name




B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Food Science and Dietetics

4 Years

XIIth with Science (50% marks); CUET score preferred. For migration: B.Sc 1st year with 50% marks.


B.Sc. (Hons. with Research) Forensic Science (Questioned Documents & Fingerprints)

4 Years

XIIth with Science (50% marks)


B.Sc. (Hons. with Research) Forensic Science (Forensic Biology & Serology)

4 Years

XIIth with Science (50% marks)


B.Sc. (Hons. with Research) Forensic Science (Forensic Toxicology & Explosives)

4 Years

XIIth with Science (50% marks)


B.Sc. (Hons. with Research) Forensic Science (Cyber & Multimedia Forensics)

4 Years

XIIth with Science (50% marks)


B.Sc. (Hons. with Research) Forensic Science (Forensic Physics & Ballistics)

4 Years

XIIth with Science (50% marks)


B.Sc. (Hons. with Research) Forensic Science

4 Years

XIIth with Science (50% marks); CUET score preferred. For migration: B.Sc 1st year with 50% marks or CGPA 5.0


B.Sc. (Hons. with Research) Healthcare and Clinical Research

4 Years

XIIth with Science (50% marks); CUET score preferred. For migration: B.Sc 1st year with 50% marks


B.Sc. (Hons. with Research) Medical Biotechnology

4 Years

XIIth with Science (50% marks); CUET score preferred. For migration: B.Sc 1st year with 50% marks


B.Sc. (Hons. with Research) in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics

4 Years

XIIth with Science (50% marks); CUET score preferred. For migration: B.Sc 1st year with 50% marks or CGPA 5.0


B.Sc. (Hons. with Research) Healthcare and Hospital Management

4 Years

XIIth with Science (50% marks)


M.Sc. in Forensic Sciences

2 Years

B.Sc. in Forensic Science or Allied Science (50% marks)


M.Sc. Forensic Science (Questioned Documents & Fingerprints)

2 Years

B.Sc. in Forensic Science or Allied Science (50% marks)


M.Sc. Forensic Science (Forensic Biology & Serology)

2 Years

B.Sc. in Forensic Science or Allied Science (50% marks)


M.Sc. Forensic Science (Forensic Toxicology & Explosives)

2 Years

B.Sc. in Forensic Science or Allied Science (50% marks)


M.Sc. Forensic Science (Cyber & Multimedia Forensics)

2 Years

B.Sc. in Forensic Science or Allied Science (50% marks)


M.Sc. Forensic Science (Forensic Physics & Ballistics)

2 Years

B.Sc. in Forensic Science or Allied Science (50% marks)


Ph.D. in Zoology

2 Years

Master’s degree in relevant field with 55% marks or CGPA 6.0


Ph.D. in Forensic Science

Cwork 1+2

Master’s degree with 55% marks or equivalent; or Bachelors with research and CGPA 7.5/10, with qualifying exams


Ph.D. in Clinical Research

Cwork 1+2

As per relevant qualification


Ph.D. in Medical Biotechnology

Cwork 1+2

As per relevant qualification


Ph.D. in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics

Cwork 1+2

As per relevant qualification


Program Name




B.Sc (Hons. with Research) (General) ZBC

4 Years

XIIth with PCB (min. 50% marks); CUET Score preferred


B.Sc (Hons.) Biomedical Science

3 Years

XIIth with PCB (min. 50% marks); CUET Score preferred


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Biomedical Science

4 Years

XIIth with PCB (min. 50% marks); CUET Score preferred


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Microbiology

4 Years

XIIth with PCB (min. 50% marks); CUET Score preferred


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Zoology

4 Years

XIIth with Science (min. 50% marks); CUET Score preferred


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Biochemistry

4 Years

XIIth with Science (min. 50% marks); CUET Score preferred


B.Sc (Hons.) Biological Science

3 Years

XIIth with Science (min. 50% marks)


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Biological Science

4 Years

XIIth with Science (min. 50% marks)


B.Sc. (Hons.) Biotechnology

3 Years

XIIth with Physics, Chemistry & Biology (min. 50% marks)


B.Sc. (Hons. with Research) Biotechnology

4 Years

XIIth with Physics, Chemistry & Biology (min. 50% marks)


M.Sc in Biological Science

2 Years

Bachelor's degree in Basic Health/Allied Science (min. 50% marks)


M.Sc in Microbiology

2 Years

Bachelor's degree in Basic Health/Allied Science (min. 50% marks)


M.Sc in Biochemistry

2 Years

Bachelor's degree in Basic Health/Allied Science (min. 50% marks)


M.Sc in Biomedical Science

2 Years

Bachelor's degree in Basic Health/Allied Science (min. 50% marks)


M.Sc. Biotechnology

2 Years

Bachelor's degree in Basic Health/Allied Science (min. 50% marks)


M.Sc in Zoology

2 Years

Bachelor's degree in Basic Health/Allied Science (min. 50% marks)


Ph.D. in Biochemistry


Master's degree (min. 55% marks or CGPA 6.0/10) or Bachelor's (CGPA 7.5/10)


Ph.D. in Microbiology


Same as Ph.D. in Biochemistry


Ph.D. in Biotechnology


Same as Ph.D. in Biochemistry


Ph.D. in Biological Sciences


Same as Ph.D. in Biochemistry


Ph.D. in Zoology


Same as Ph.D. in Biochemistry


Program Name




B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science

3 Years

XII with Science and minimum 50% marks (Maths or Computer Application as subject in XII). Preference for CUET Score.


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Computer Science

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale in first year or XII with Science and minimum 50% marks (Maths or Computer Application as subject in XII).


B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science (Cloud Computing)

3 Years

Same as above. Preference for CUET Score.


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Computer Science (Cloud Computing)

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA in first year or XII with Science and minimum 50% marks (Maths or Computer Application as subject in XII).


B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science (Cyber Security)

3 Years

Same as above. Preference for CUET Score.


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Computer Science (Cyber Security)

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA in first year or XII with Science and minimum 50% marks (Maths or Computer Application as subject in XII).


B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science (Data Science)

3 Years

Same as above. Preference for CUET Score.


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Computer Science (Data Science)

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA in first year or XII with Science and minimum 50% marks (Maths or Computer Application as subject in XII).


B.Sc (Hons) Computer Science (Game Design and Development)

3 Years

Same as above.


B.Sc (Hons. with Research) Computer Science (Game Design and Development)

4 Years

Same as above.


BCA (Hons. with Research)

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks aggregate at XII level (Including English & Maths / Computer Science / Informatics Practice / Computer Applications / Multimedia & Web).


BCA in Industry Oriented Specialization (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

3 Years

Minimum 50% marks aggregate at XII level (Including English & Maths / Computer Science / Informatics Practice / Computer Applications / Multimedia & Web).


BCA (Hons. with Research) in Industry Oriented Specialization (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks aggregate at XII level (Including English & Maths / Computer Science / Informatics Practice / Computer Applications / Multimedia & Web).


BCA in Industry Oriented Specialization (Cloud Computing and Virtualization)

3 Years

Minimum 50% marks aggregate at XII level (Including English & Maths / Computer Science / Informatics Practice / Computer Applications / Multimedia & Web).


BCA (Hons. with Research) in Industry Oriented Specialization (Cloud Computing and Virtualization)

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks aggregate at XII level (Including English & Maths / Computer Science / Informatics Practice / Computer Applications / Multimedia & Web).


BCA in Industry Oriented Specialization (Computer Networks and Cyber Security)

3 Years

Same as above.


BCA (Hons. with Research) in Industry Oriented Specialization (Computer Networks and Cyber Security)

4 Years

Same as above.


BCA in Industry Oriented Specialization (Data Analytics)

3 Years

Same as above.


BCA (Hons. with Research) in Industry Oriented Specialization (Data Analytics)

4 Years

Same as above.


BCA in Industry Oriented Specialization (Multimedia and Animation)

3 Years

Same as above.


BCA (Hons. with Research) in Industry Oriented Specialization (Multimedia and Animation)

4 Years

Same as above.


Integrated BCA + MCA

5 Years

Minimum 50% marks aggregate at XII level (Including English & Maths / Computer Science / Informatics Practice / Computer Applications / Multimedia & Web).


M.Sc. Computer Science

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with computer science / Mathematics or relevant with minimum 50% Marks in Aggregate.



2 Years

Minimum 50% marks in graduation degree (e.g.: B.E. / B.Tech./ B.Sc / B.Com. / B.A./ B. Voc./ BCA, preferably with Mathematics at 10+2 level or at Graduation level).


MCA (Industry Oriented Specialization in Web Designing & Security)

2 Years

Same as above.


MCA (Industry Oriented Specialization in Cloud Computing)

2 Years

Same as above.


MCA (Industry Oriented Specialization in Computer Network & Cyber Security)

2 Years

Same as above.


MCA (Industry Oriented Specialization in Data Analytics)

2 Years

Same as above.


M.C.A. (Industry Oriented Specialization in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)

2 Years

Same as above. Preference for CUET Score.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Computer Application

1+2 Years

Master's degree with 55% marks or equivalent grade or a 4-year Bachelor's degree with minimum CGPA of 7.5/10, with research qualifications.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Computer Science

1+2 Years

Same as above.


Program Name




B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (NBA Accredited)

4 Years

Minimum 60% marks in Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry/Computer Science/Information Technology/Informatics Practices/Electronics/Engineering Graphics/Technical Vocational Subjects in Class XIIth. CUET Score preference for merit.


B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security and Digital Forensic)

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Business Analytics and Optimization)

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Computer Network and Cyber Security)

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Data Analytics)

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security)

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Gaming Technology)

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Cloud Computing and Virtualization)

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Full Stack Development)

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing)

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things and Cyber Security Including Blockchain Technology)

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

4 Years

Same eligibility as above.


B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (For Working Professionals Only)

3 Years

Passed minimum THREE years / TWO years (Lateral Entry) Diploma examination with at least 45% marks in ANY branch of Engineering and Technology or B.Sc. Degree with Mathematics. Minimum 1 year work experience required.


M.Tech in Data Science

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech/MCA/M.Sc in relevant discipline with minimum 50% marks or equivalent CGPA. CUET/GATE Score preference.


M.Tech in Computer Science Engineering

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech/MCA/M.Sc in relevant discipline with minimum 50% marks or equivalent CGPA. CUET/GATE Score preference.


M.Tech in Computer Science Engineering - Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech/MCA/M.Sc in relevant discipline with minimum 50% marks or equivalent CGPA. CUET/GATE Score preference.


M.Tech in Computer Science Engineering (For Working Professionals Only)

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech with minimum 50% marks in Computer Science/Information Technology or MCA.


M.Tech in Computer Science Engineering - Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (For Working Professionals Only)

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech with minimum 50% marks in Computer Science/Information Technology or MCA.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Computer Science Engineering

1+2 Years

Master’s degree with 55% marks or equivalent grade ‘B’, or a Bachelor’s degree in research with CGPA of 7.5/10. GATE/UGC-NET/CSIR-JRF qualifications preferred.


Program Name




B.Tech in Civil Engineering

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) in Class XIIth. CUET Score preference for merit.


B.Tech (Hons) in Civil Engineering (Smart Cities)

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) in Class XIIth. CUET Score preference for merit.


M.Tech in Geotechnical Engineering

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech with minimum 50% marks or equivalent CGPA.


M.Tech in Structural Engineering

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech/MCA/M.Sc in relevant discipline with minimum 50% marks or equivalent CGPA. Minimum of 1-year full-time/regular work experience required. GATE/CUET Score preference.


M.Tech in Transportation Engineering

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech/MCA/M.Sc in relevant discipline with minimum 50% marks or equivalent CGPA. Minimum of 1-year full-time/regular work experience required. GATE/CUET Score preference.


M.Tech in Structural Engineering - (For Working Professionals Only)

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech with minimum 50% marks or equivalent CGPA.


M.Tech in Transportation Engineering - (For Working Professionals Only)

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech with minimum 50% marks or equivalent CGPA.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Civil Engineering

1+2 Years

Master’s degree with 55% marks or equivalent grade ‘B’ or Bachelor’s degree in research with CGPA of 7.5/10. GATE/UGC-NET/CSIR-JRF qualifications preferred.


program Name




B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (NBA Accredited)

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry/Computer Science/Information Technology/Informatics Practices/Electronics/Engineering Graphics/Technical Vocational Subjects in Class XIIth. CUET Score preference.


B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry/Computer Science/Information Technology/Informatics Practices/Electronics/Engineering Graphics/Technical Vocational Subjects in Class XIIth. CUET Score preference.


B.Tech in Electrical Engineering

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry/Computer Science/Information Technology/Informatics Practices/Electronics/Engineering Graphics/Technical Vocational Subjects in Class XIIth. CUET Score preference.


B.Tech in Electrical Engineering (Electric Vehicle)

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry/Computer Science/Information Technology/Informatics Practices/Electronics/Engineering Graphics/Technical Vocational Subjects in Class XIIth. CUET Score preference.


B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry/Computer Science/Information Technology/Informatics Practices/Electronics/Engineering Graphics/Technical Vocational Subjects in Class XIIth. CUET Score preference.


B.Tech Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design and Technology)

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry/Computer Science/Information Technology/Informatics Practices/Electronics/Engineering Graphics/Technical Vocational Subjects in Class XIIth. CUET Score preference.


B.Tech Electronics and Communication (Advanced Communication Technology)

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry/Computer Science/Information Technology/Informatics Practices/Electronics/Engineering Graphics/Technical Vocational Subjects in Class XIIth. CUET Score preference.


B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering (For Working Professionals Only)

3 Years

Minimum 3 years/2 years (Lateral Entry) Diploma examination with at least 45% marks in any branch of Engineering and Technology, or a B.Sc. Degree with at least 45% marks and passed 10+2 examination with Mathematics.


M.Tech in Power System Engineering

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech with minimum 50% marks or equivalent in CGPA.


M.Tech in Communication Engineering (Satellite Communication)

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech with minimum 50% marks or equivalent in CGPA.


M.Tech Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design and Technology)

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech/MCA/M.Sc in relevant discipline with minimum 50% marks or equivalent in CGPA. GATE/CUET Score preference.


M.Tech Electronics and Communication (Advanced Communication Technology)

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech/MCA/M.Sc in relevant discipline with minimum 50% marks or equivalent in CGPA. GATE/CUET Score preference.


M.Tech in Power System Engineering - (For Working Professionals Only)

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech with minimum 50% marks or equivalent in CGPA.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Electronics & Communication Engineering

1+2 Years

Master’s degree with 55% marks or equivalent grade ‘B’ or Bachelor’s degree in research with CGPA of 7.5/10. GATE/UGC-NET/CSIR-JRF qualifications preferred.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Electrical Engineering

1+2 Years

Master’s degree with 55% marks or equivalent grade ‘B’ or Bachelor’s degree in research with CGPA of 7.5/10. GATE/UGC-NET/CSIR-JRF qualifications preferred.


Program Name




B.Tech Mechanical Engineering (NBA Accredited)

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) in Class XIIth. CUET Score preference.


B.Tech Mechanical Engineering with specialization in E-Vehicles & Autonomous Vehicles

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) in Class XIIth. CUET Score preference.


B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering (For Working Professionals Only)

3 Years

Minimum 3 years/2 years (Lateral Entry) Diploma examination with at least 45% marks in any branch of Engineering and Technology, or B.Sc. Degree with at least 45% marks and passed 10+2 examination with Mathematics.


M.Tech in Industrial & Production Engineering

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech with minimum 50% marks or equivalent in CGPA.


M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering (CAD/CAM & Robotics)

2 Years

B.E/B.Tech with minimum 50% marks or equivalent in CGPA.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mechanical Engineering

1+2 Years

Master’s degree with 55% marks or equivalent grade ‘B’ or Bachelor’s degree in research with CGPA of 7.5/10. DBT-BET/ICMR-JRF/GATE/UGC-NET/CSIR-JRF/ARS-NET/GPAT qualifications preferred.





Program Name




Bachelor of Hotel Management

4 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks aggregate.


B.Sc. Hotel Management

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks aggregate. CUET Score preference.


B.Sc. (Hons. with Research) Hotel Management

4 Years

Not specified (likely similar to B.Sc. Hotel Management requirements).


For Lateral Entry (All Hotel Management Programs)


Minimum 50% marks in Diploma in Hotel Management from a Recognized institute.


For Migration from Other Universities (All Hotel Management Programs)


1) Bachelor in Hotel Management Ist year with minimum 60% marks or equivalent 2) XII with minimum 50% marks.


Program Name




BBA (Hons. with Research)

4 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate. Students with CUET Score preferred. For Migration: 50% in BBA Ist yr or 5.0 CGPA on a 10 point scale.


BBA Aviation Management

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate. Students with CUET Score preferred. For Migration: 50% in BBA Aviation Management Ist yr or 5.0 CGPA.


BBA (Hons. with Research) Aviation Management

4 Years

Same as above


BBA (Hons. with Research) Business Analytics

4 Years

Same as above


BBA (Hons. with Research) Banking, Financial Services & Insurance

4 Years

Same as above


BBA Logistics and Supply Chain Management

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate. Students with CUET Score preferred. For Migration: 50% in BBA Logistics and Supply Chain Management.


BBA (Hons. with Research) Logistics and Supply Chain Management

4 Years

Same as above


BBA Marketing and Automobile Management

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate. Students with CUET Score preferred. For Migration: 50% in BBA Marketing and Automobile Management.


BBA (Hons. with Research) Marketing and Automobile Management

4 Years

Same as above


BBA Financial Investment Analysis

4 Years

Same as above


BBA (Tourism & Travel)

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate. Students with CUET Score preferred. For Migration: 50% in BBA Tourism & Travel Ist yr or 5.0 CGPA.


BBA (Hons. with Research) Tourism and Travel

4 Years

Same as above


BBA (Digital Marketing)

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score preferred.


BBA (Business Analytics)

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks. For Migration: 50% in BBA Business Analytics Ist yr or 5.0 CGPA. Students with CUET Score preferred.


Integrated MBA (BBA with MBA)

5 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate. Students with CUET Score preferred. For Migration: 50% in Integrated BBA+MBA Ist yr or 5.0 CGPA.


MBA in Dual Specialization

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with Minimum 55% aggregate marks


MBA (Aviation Management)

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with Minimum 50% aggregate marks


MBA (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with Minimum 50% aggregate marks


MBA Tourism & Travel Management

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with Minimum 50% aggregate marks


MBA (Agribusiness Management)

2 Years

B.Sc. Ag./Hort./Forestry with minimum 6.60/10 CGPA for Gen./OBC/UPS, 5.60/10 for SC/ST/PH. 60% marks for General/OBC/UPS and 55% for SC/ST/PH.


MBA (Digital Marketing)

2 Years

3 Yr. Bachelor Degree with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score preferred.


Ph.D. in Management


Master's degree with at least 55% marks or CGPA equivalent. BBA with 7.5 CGPA or specific qualifications (DBT-BET, GATE, NET, etc.).


Program Name



Migration from Other Universities

BBA (Hons. with Research)

4 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

1) BBA Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale. 2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.

BBA Aviation Management

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

1) BBA (Aviation Management) Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale. 2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.

BBA (Hons. with Research) Aviation Management

4 Years

As per the program requirements

As per the program requirements

BBA (Hons. with Research) Business Analytics

4 Years

As per the program requirements

As per the program requirements

BBA (Hons. with Research) in Banking, Financial Services and Insurance

4 Years

As per the program requirements

As per the program requirements

BBA Logistics and Supply Chain Management

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

1) BBA (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale. 2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.

BBA (Hons. with Research) Logistics and Supply Chain Management

4 Years

As per the program requirements

As per the program requirements

BBA Marketing and Automobile Management

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

1) BBA (Marketing and Automobile Management) Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale. 2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.

BBA (Hons. with Research) Marketing and Automobile Management

4 Years

As per the program requirements

As per the program requirements

BBA (Hons. with Research) Financial Investment Analysis

4 Years

As per the program requirements

As per the program requirements

BBA (Tourism & Travel)

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

1) BBA (Tourism & Travel) Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale. 2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.

BBA (Hons. with Research) Tourism and Travel

4 Years

As per the program requirements

As per the program requirements

BBA (Digital Marketing)

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% Marks. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

As per the program requirements

BBA (Business Analytics)

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

1) BBA (Business Analytics) Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale. 2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.

Integrated MBA (BBA with MBA)

5 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

1) Integrated BBA+MBA Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale. 2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.

MBA in Dual Specialization

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with Minimum 55% aggregate marks

As per the program requirements

MBA (Aviation Management)

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with Minimum 50% aggregate marks

As per the program requirements

MBA (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with Minimum 50% aggregate marks

As per the program requirements

MBA Tourism & Travel Management

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with Minimum 50% aggregate marks

As per the program requirements

MBA (Agribusiness Management)

2 Years

B.Sc. Ag./Hort./Forestry or B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture/ Horticulture/Forestry with specified OGPA/marks

As per the program requirements

MBA (Digital Marketing)

2 Years

3 Yr. Bachelor Degree in relevant subjects with minimum 50% marks. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

As per the program requirements

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Management


Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks or equivalent grade 'B' on the UGC 10-point scale.

As per the program requirements

Program Name




BBA Banking, Financial Services and Insurance

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) BBA (Banking, Financial Services and Insurance) Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale.


2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.




Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


BBA Financial Investment Analysis

3 Years

50% or above in Class 12th or equivalent qualification in the Arts/ Commerce / Science stream, completed from a recognized educational Board.


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) BBA (FIA) Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale.


2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.




Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


MBA Financial Management

2 Years

3 Yr. Bachelor Degree with Minimum 50% aggregate marks




Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit


Program Name




BBA (Tourism & Travel)

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) BBA (Tourism & Travel) Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale.


2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.




Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


MBA Tourism and Travel Management

2 Years

3 Yr. Bachelor’s Degree with Minimum 50% aggregate marks




Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit


Program Name




BBA Aviation Management

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) BBA (Aviation Management) Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale.


2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.




Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


BBA Logistics and Supply Chain Management

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in Aggregate


For Migration from Other Universities:


1) BBA (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale.


2) 50% or above in best four relevant subjects at XII level.




Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


MBA in Aviation Management

2 Years

3 Yr. Bachelor Degree with Minimum 50% aggregate marks




Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


MBA in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

2 Years

3 Yr. Bachelor Degree with Minimum 50% aggregate marks




Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


Program Name



MBA (Pharmaceutical Management)

2 Years

Bachelor's or Master's degree in Pharmacy (B.Pharm & M.Pharm), BDS, BHMS, BAMS, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, MBBS, Microbiology from a recognized University with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate

Program Name



B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture

4 Years

XIIth with Science with minimum 50% marks. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

For Migration from Other Universities:

1) B.Sc Agriculture Ist year with minimum 50% marks or equivalent

2) XII with Science with minimum 50% marks.

M.Sc (Agriculture) Agronomy

2 Years

B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture/ relevant degrees with minimum 60% marks for general and 55% for SC/ ST/ PH/ other reserved category candidates or equivalent CGPA

M.Sc (Agriculture) Entomology

2 Years

B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture/ relevant degrees with minimum 60% marks for general and 55% for SC/ ST/ PH/ other reserved category candidates or equivalent CGPA

M.Sc (Agriculture) Soil Science

2 Years

B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture/ relevant degrees with minimum 60% marks for general and 55% for SC/ ST/ PH/ other reserved category candidates or equivalent CGPA

M.Sc (Hort.) Fruit Science

2 Years

B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture/ relevant degrees with minimum 60% marks for general and 55% for SC/ ST/ PH/ other reserved category candidates or equivalent CGPA

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Agriculture (Plant Pathology)


A candidate seeking admission after a 2-year (4-semester) master’s degree should have at least an aggregate of 55% marks or its equivalent grade ‘B’ on the UGC 10-point scale.

Candidates can also be admitted based on DBT-BET/ ICMR-JRF/ GATE/ UGC-NET/ CSIR-JRF/ ARS-NET/ GPAT qualifications.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Agriculture (Genetics and Plant Breeding)


Same as above

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Agriculture (Entomology)


Same as above

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Agriculture (Soil Science)


Same as above

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Agri Economics


Same as above

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Agriculture (Agronomy)


Same as above

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Agriculture (Fruit Sciences)


Same as above

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Agriculture (Agricultural Extension)


Same as above

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Agriculture (Plant Physiology)


Same as above

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Agriculture (Agricultural Engineering)


Same as above

Program Name



Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) (In Association with T-Series)

4 Years

XII with minimum 45% Marks



For Lateral Entry: Minimum 50% aggregate marks in Diploma (Fashion or Garment Technology) from a recognized AICTE/ AIU/ UGC or a State Board of Technical Education.



For Migration from Other Universities:

1) B.Des Fashion Design Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent

2) 45% or above at XII level

Bachelor of Design (Interior Design)

4 Years

XII with minimum 50% Marks.



For Lateral Entry: Minimum 50% aggregate marks in Diploma (Interior Design) from a recognized AICTE/ AIU/ UGC or a State Board of Technical Education.



For Migration from Other Universities:

1) B.Des Interior Design Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent

2) 45% or above at XII level

Bachelor of Design in Advertising, Graphics & Web Design

4 Years

XII with minimum 50% Marks

B.Sc. Fashion Design (In Association with T-Series)

3 Years

XII with minimum 45% Marks.



For Migration from Other Universities:

1) B.Sc Fashion Design Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent

2) 45% or above at XII level

M.Sc. In Fashion Design (In Association with T-Series)

2 Years

Graduation with minimum 45% Marks

Program Name



Bachelor of Physiotherapy

4 Years + 6 Months Internship

XII with minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (PCB)

Minimum age: 17 years



For Lateral Entry: Minimum 50% marks in Diploma in Physiotherapy from a recognized institute



For Migration from Other Universities:

1) BPT Ist year with minimum 60% marks or equivalent

2) XII with Science with minimum 50% marks in PCB.

B.Sc Medical Lab Technology

3 Years + 1 Year Internship

XIIth with Science (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) or XIIth with vocational subjects of Medical Lab Technology or equivalent with minimum 50% marks aggregate.

Minimum age: 17 years



For Lateral Entry: Minimum 50% marks in Diploma in MLT from a recognized institute



For Migration from Other Universities:

1) Minimum 50% in B.Sc MLT 1st year

2) Minimum 50% marks in best four subjects in Class XIIth with PCB

Bachelor of Optometry

3 Years + 1 Year Internship

XIIth with Science (Physics, Chemistry, and Maths/Biology) with minimum 50% marks

Minimum age: 17 years



For Lateral Entry: Minimum 50% marks in Diploma in Optometry/Ophthalmic technician from a recognized institute



For Migration from Other Universities:

1) Minimum 50% in Optometry Ist year

2) XIIth with PCM or PCB with 50% marks

B.Sc Cardiovascular Technology

3 Years + 1 Year Internship

XIIth with Physics, Chemistry & Biology with 50% marks

Minimum age: 17 years



For Migration from Other Universities:

1) Minimum 50% in B.Sc CVT Ist year

2) XIIth with Physics, Chemistry & Biology with 50% marks

B.Sc. in Medical Radiology and Imaging Technology (BMRIT)

3 Years + 1 Year Internship

XII with Science (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) or XII with vocational subjects of medical radiology and imaging technology or equivalent with a minimum 50% marks in the best four relevant subjects.

Minimum age: 17 years

B.Sc Yoga Therapy

4 Years

Passed 10+2 or Equivalent of any discipline with 50% marks

YIC course is mandatory for admission in B.Sc (Yoga Therapy) with a fee of Rs. 2,000/-

Yoga Instructor Course (YIC)

1 Month (30 Days)

12th with minimum 50% marks

Master of Physiotherapy (Cardiology)

2 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Bachelor of Physiotherapy

Master of Physiotherapy (Sports Medicine)

2 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Bachelor of Physiotherapy

Master of Physiotherapy (Orthopaedics)

2 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Bachelor of Physiotherapy

Master of Physiotherapy (Neurology)

2 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Bachelor of Physiotherapy

Masters in Optometry

2 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Bachelor in Optometry

M.Sc. in Cardiovascular Technology

2 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Bachelor of Science in Cardiovascular Technology/Perfusion Technology

M.Sc. in Medical Lab Technology

2 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Bachelor of Science in Medical Lab Technology

M.Sc. in Medical Laboratory Technology-Clinical Biochemistry

2 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Bachelor of Science in Medical Lab Technology

M.Sc. in Medical Laboratory Technology-Clinical Microbiology

2 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Bachelor of Science in Medical Lab Technology

M.Sc. in Medical Laboratory Technology-Pathology

2 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Bachelor of Science in Medical Lab Technology

M.Sc. in Medical Laboratory Technology-Clinical Hematology

2 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Bachelor of Science in Medical Lab Technology

M.Sc (Yoga Therapy)

2 Years

Graduation from any recognized institute with minimum 50% marks

Diploma in Advanced Music Therapy

6 Months

Minimum 50% marks in Class XII with Science with skills in music demonstrable through an audition.

Or Bachelor's degree in music or psychology.

Or health care and allied health care professionals with skills in music (demonstrable through an audition).

PG Diploma in Advanced Music Therapy

1 Year

Minimum 50% marks in Class XII with Science with skills in music demonstrable through an audition.

Or Bachelor's degree in music or psychology.

Or health care and allied health care professionals with skills in music (demonstrable through an audition).

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physiotherapy


After 2-year (4-semester) master’s degree: Minimum 55% marks or its equivalent grade ‘B’ on the UGC 10-point scale.

After 4-year (8-semester) bachelor’s degree in research: Minimum CGPA of 7.5/10 with DBT-BET/ ICMR-JRF/ GATE/ UGC-NET/ CSIR-JRF/ ARS-NET/ GPAT qualifications.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in medical-laboratory-technology


After 2-year (4-semester) master’s degree: Minimum 55% marks or its equivalent grade ‘B’ on the UGC 10-point scale.

After 4-year (8-semester) bachelor’s degree in research: Minimum CGPA of 7.5/10 with DBT-BET/ ICMR-JRF/ GATE/ UGC-NET/ CSIR-JRF/ ARS-NET/ GPAT qualifications.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Optometry


Similar to other Ph.D. programs

Program Name



Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm)

2 Years

XIIth with 50% marks, Physics & Chemistry as compulsory subjects, and Math/Biology/Biotechnology. Minimum age: 17 years

Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm)

4 Years

XIIth with 60% marks, Physics & Chemistry as compulsory subjects, and Math/Biology/Biotechnology. Minimum age: 17 years.



Lateral Entry: Passed D.Pharm with minimum 50% or 6.0 CGPA.



Migration: B.Pharm 1st year with at least 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA, XIIth with 50% marks (Biology & Chemistry compulsory).

Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm)

2 Years

B.Pharm with minimum 55% marks.



1. Pharmaceutical Chemistry



2. Pharmaceutics



3. Pharmacology

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Pharmacy

Varies (based on previous qualification)

A candidate seeking admission after a 2-year master’s degree should have at least 55% marks or equivalent grade ‘B’ on the UGC 10-point scale.



A candidate seeking admission after a 4-year bachelor’s degree in research should have a minimum CGPA of 7.5/10 with DBT-BET/ICMR-JRF/GATE/UGC-NET/CSIR-JRF qualifications.

Program Name



B.Sc. in Nursing

4 Years

XII with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English with minimum 55% aggregate marks. Minimum age: 17 years.



Qualifying ABVMU Exam / NEET / Galgotias University Nursing Entrance Exam (GUNEE).

Program Name



Integrated BA +LL.B (Hons)

5 Years

Minimum 55% aggregate marks in Class XII. Preference given to applicants with high CLAT/LSAT-INDIA scores.

Integrated BBA +LL.B (Hons)

5 Years

Minimum 55% aggregate marks in Class XII. Preference given to applicants with high CLAT/LSAT-INDIA scores.

Bachelor of Law (LLB) (Hons)

3 Years

Graduation with minimum 50% marks (or 45% for recognized university graduates) with valid CLAT/LSAT/CUET scores.

Master of Law (LLM) in Constitutional law and Governance

1 Year

Minimum 50% marks in LLB or 5-year integrated law programs. Qualifying entrance test (Galgotias/CLAT/LSAT-India).

Master of Law (LLM) in Corporate Law

1 Year

Minimum 50% marks in LLB or 5-year integrated law programs. Qualifying entrance test (Galgotias/CLAT/LSAT-India).

Master of Law (LLM) in Criminal Law & Criminal Justice

1 Year

Minimum 50% marks in LLB or 5-year integrated law programs. Qualifying entrance test (Galgotias/CLAT/LSAT-India).

Master of Law (LLM) in Environmental Law

1 Year

Minimum 50% marks in LLB or 5-year integrated law programs. Qualifying entrance test (Galgotias/CLAT/LSAT-India).

Master of Law (LLM) in Intellectual Property Law

1 Year

Minimum 50% marks in LLB or 5-year integrated law programs. Qualifying entrance test (Galgotias/CLAT/LSAT-India).

Master of Law (LLM) in Law and Emerging Technology

1 Year

Minimum 50% marks in LLB or 5-year integrated law programs. Qualifying entrance test (Galgotias/CLAT/LSAT-India).

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Law


Master’s degree with 55% marks or equivalent grade ‘B’, or 4-year bachelor’s degree with CGPA 7.5/10, with qualifying exams (DBT-BET/ICMR-JRF/GATE/UGC-NET).

Program Name




2 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Sciences/Social Sciences/Humanity/Commerce, or Engineering/Technology with specialization in Science/Math (55%). SC/ST candidates require 45%. Candidates with CUET Score will be given preference. Final year candidates may also apply.


2 Years

Minimum 50% marks or equivalent grade in B.Ed./B.A. B.Ed./B.Sc. B.Ed./B.Com. B.Ed./B.El.Ed./D.El.Ed. with an undergraduate degree (50% marks).

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Education


Minimum 55% marks in a 2-year master's degree or CGPA 7.5/10 in 4-year undergraduate research degree. Must also have DBT-BET/ICMR-JRF/GATE/UGC-NET/CSIR-JRF/ARS-NET/GPAT qualifications. Candidates who meet NEP 2020 norms are eligible.

Program Name



Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering

3 Years

10th with minimum 40% marks.

Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering (Network Essentials)

3 Years

10th with minimum 40% marks.

Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering (Web Designing)

3 Years

10th with minimum 40% marks.

Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering (Cloud Computing & IT Infrastructure)

3 Years

10th with minimum 40% marks.

Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)

3 Years

10th with minimum 40% marks.

Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering (Data Analytics)

3 Years

10th with minimum 40% marks.

Diploma in Electric Engineering (Electric Vehicle)

3 Years

10th with minimum 40% marks.

Diploma in Electric Engineering (Renewable Energy)

3 Years

10th with minimum 40% marks.

Diploma in IC Manufacturing

3 Years

10th with minimum 40% marks.

Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering

3 Years

10th with minimum 40% marks.

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

3 Years

10th with minimum 40% marks.

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Electric Vehicle)

3 Years

10th with minimum 40% marks.

Diploma in Civil Engineering

3 Years

10th with minimum 40% marks.

Diploma in Electrical Engineering

3 Years

10th with minimum 40% marks.

For lateral entry for above only courses in diploma are




Minimum 10+2 Examination

Minimum 40% marks in 10+2 examination with Physics/Mathematics/Chemistry/Computer Science/Electronics/Information Technology/Informatics Practices/Technical Vocational Subject/Engineering Graphics


Or Minimum 10th + ITI

10th (minimum 40%) + 2-year ITI (minimum 40%) eligibility for admission to the second year in any branch of Engineering and Technology


Program Name




Bachelor of Vocation in Telecom

3 Years

Class XII with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score will be given preference.

Earn stipend between Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 15000/- per month.

Bachelor of Vocation in Electronic Manufacturing

3 Years

Class XII with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score will be given preference.

Earn stipend between Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 15000/- per month.

Bachelor of Vocation in Agriculture Processing

3 Years

Class XII with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score will be given preference.

Earn stipend between Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 15000/- per month.

Bachelor of Vocation in Graphic Design & Multimedia Technologies

3 Years

Class XII with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score will be given preference.

Earn stipend between Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 15000/- per month.

Bachelor of Vocation in Hospitality and Tourism

3 Years

Class XII with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score will be given preference.

Earn stipend between Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 15000/- per month.

Bachelor of Vocation in Automobile Manufacturing

3 Years

Class XII with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score will be given preference.

Earn stipend between Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 15000/- per month.

Bachelor of Vocation in Logistics Management

3 Years

Class XII with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score will be given preference.

Earn stipend between Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 15000/- per month.

Bachelor of Vocation in Medical Lab Technology

3 Years

Class XII with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score will be given preference.

Earn stipend between Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 15000/- per month.

Bachelor of Vocation in Health Care Management

3 Years

Class XII with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score will be given preference.

Earn stipend between Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 15000/- per month.

Bachelor of Vocation (Banking, Insurance & Financial Services)

3 Years

Class XII with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score will be given preference.

Earn stipend between Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 15000/- per month.

Bachelor of Vocation (Building and Construction Technology)

3 Years

Class XII with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score will be given preference.

Earn stipend between Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 15000/- per month.

Bachelor of Vocation (Retail Management)

3 Years

Class XII with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score will be given preference.

Earn stipend between Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 15000/- per month.

Bachelor of Vocation in Food Processing

3 Years

Class XII with minimum 50% marks. Students with CUET Score will be given preference.

Earn stipend between Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 15000/- per month.

Bachelor of Vocation (Multimedia and Visual Communication)

4 Years

Pass in Class XII in any stream or higher, with passion for design and creativity.


Bachelor of Vocation (Multimedia and Digital Product Design)

4 Years

Pass in Class XII in any stream or higher, with passion for design and creativity.


Bachelor of Vocation (Multimedia and Game Art and Design)

4 Years

Pass in Class XII in any stream or higher, with passion for design and creativity.


MA Child Psychology (Internship/Apprenticeship Embedded)

2 Years



Program Name




BA (Hons.) English

3 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate. Students with CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

For Migration from Other Universities: 1) B.A (Hons/Hons with Research) English Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent. 2) XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.

BA (Hons. with Research) English

4 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate. Students with CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

For Migration from Other Universities: 1) B.A (Hons/Hons with Research) English Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent. 2) XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.

B.A. (Hons.) French

4 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.

For Migration from Other Universities: 1) BA (Hons/Hons with Research) Japanese Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent. 2) XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate. Students with CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

B.A. (Hons.) Japanese

4 Years

XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate.

For Migration from Other Universities: 1) BA (Hons/Hons with Research) Japanese Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent. 2) XII with minimum 50% marks in aggregate. Students with CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

M.A. in English

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with minimum 50% marks or equivalent. Students with CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


M.A. (Linguistics)

2 Years

Bachelor Degree with minimum 50% marks or equivalent. Students with CUET Score will be given preference in merit.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in English

1+2 Years

1) 2-year (4-semester) master’s degree with 55% marks or equivalent grade ‘B’ on UGC 10-point scale. 2) 4-year (8-semester) bachelor’s degree in research with CGPA of 7.5/10, DBT-BET/ICMR-JRF/GATE/UGC-NET/CSIR-JRF/ARS-NET/GPAT qualifications. 3) Candidates with a 1-year (2-semester) master’s degree after a 4-year undergraduate degree/5 years integrated master’s degree with at least 55% marks or equivalent grade ‘B’.

Eligible with various qualifications like DBT-BET/ICMR-JRF/GATE/UGC-NET/CSIR-JRF/ARS-NET/GPAT

Program Name




B.Sc (Hons.) in Microbiology

3 Years

XIIth with PCB with minimum 50% marks. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

For Migration from Other Universities: 1) B.Sc (Hons/Hons with Research) Microbiology Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale. 2) XII with Science with minimum 50% marks.

B.Sc (Hons.) in Zoology

3 Years

XIIth with Science with minimum 50% marks. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

For Migration from Other Universities: 1) B.Sc (Hons/Hons with Research) Zoology Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale. 2) XII with Science with minimum 50% marks.

B.Sc (Hons.) Biochemistry

3 Years

XII with Science with minimum 50% marks. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

For Migration from Other Universities: 1) B.Sc (Hons) Biochemistry Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale. 2) XII with Science with minimum 50% marks.

B.Sc (General) ZBC

3 Years

XIIth with PCB with minimum 50% marks. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

For Migration from Other Universities: 1) B.Sc in ZBC Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale. 2) XII with Science with minimum 50% marks.

Program Name




B.Sc Food Science and Dietetics

3 Years

XIIth with science with minimum 50% marks. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

For Migration from Other Universities: 1) B.Sc in Food Science & Dietetics Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent. 2) XII with Science with minimum 50% marks.

B.Sc Healthcare and Hospital Management

3 Years

XII with Science with minimum 50% marks


B.Sc Healthcare and Clinical Research

3 Years

XIIth with science with minimum 50% marks. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

For Migration from Other Universities: 1) B.Sc in Healthcare and Clinical Research Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent. 2) XII with Science with minimum 50% marks.

B.Sc. Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics

3 Years

XIIth with science with minimum 50% marks. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

For Migration from Other Universities: 1) B.Sc (Hons/Hons with Research) in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or 5.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale. 2) XII with Science with minimum 50% marks.

M.Sc. in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics

2 Years

Bachelor Degree in Basic Health or Allied Science with minimum 50% marks or equivalent


M.Sc in Food Safety and Quality Assurance

2 Years

Bachelor Degree in Basic Health or Allied Science with minimum 50% marks or equivalent


M.Sc in Food Science and Dietetics

2 Years

Bachelor Degree in Basic Health or Allied Science with minimum 50% marks or equivalent


M.Sc in Healthcare and Clinical Research

2 Years

Bachelor degree in Biological, Biomedical, Life Science, Biochemistry, Clinical Research, Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Botany, Zoology, Nursing and related discipline with minimum 50% marks or equivalent


Program Name




B.Sc Medical Biotechnology

3 Years

XIIth with science with minimum 50% marks. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

For Migration from Other Universities: 1) B.Sc in Medical Biotechnology Ist yr. minimum 50% marks or equivalent. 2) XII with Science with minimum 50% marks.

B.Tech in Biotechnology

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/Biology/Biotechnology in Class XIIth

For Lateral Entry: 1) Passed Diploma examination with at least 50% marks in any branch of Engineering and Technology. 2) Passed B.Sc. Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks and passed 10+2 examination with Mathematics/Biology as a subject.

For Migration from Other Universities: 1) B.E./B.Tech in Biotechnology Ist year minimum 50% marks or equivalent. 2) Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/Biology/Biotechnology in Class XIIth.

M.Sc in Industrial Biotechnology

2 Years

Bachelor Degree in Basic Health or Allied Science with minimum 50% marks or equivalent


M.Sc. In Medical Biotechnology

2 Years

Bachelor Degree in Basic Health or Allied Science with minimum 50% marks or equivalent


Program Name



B.Tech in Food Technology

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/Biology/Biotechnology in Class XIIth

B.Tech in Biomedical Engineering

4 Years

Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/Biology/Biotechnology in Class XIIth

Program Name



B.Sc. (Hons.) Forensic Science with specialization in Forensic Toxicology and Explosives

3 Years

XIIth with Science with minimum 50% marks

B.Sc. (Hons.) Forensic Science with specialization in Forensic Biology and Serology

3 Years

XIIth with Science with minimum 50% marks

B.Sc. (Hons.) Forensic Science with specialization in Cyber and Multimedia Forensics

3 Years

XIIth with Science with minimum 50% marks

B.Sc. (Hons.) Forensic Science with specialization in Questioned Documents and Fingerprints

3 Years

XIIth with Science with minimum 50% marks

B.Sc. (Hons.) Forensic Science with specialization in Forensic Physics and Ballistics

3 Years

XIIth with Science with minimum 50% marks

B.Sc. (Hons.) Forensic Science

3 Years

XII with Science with minimum 50% marks. Students having CUET Score will be given preference in merit.

Integrated B.Sc. and M.Sc. Forensic Science

5 Years

XIIth with Science with minimum 50% marks

Post-Graduate Diploma in Questioned Documents and Fingerprints

1 Year

Graduation in relevant subjects with minimum 45% marks in aggregate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Crime Scene Management

1 Year

Graduation in relevant subjects with minimum 45% marks in aggregate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Forensic Photography

1 Year

Graduation in relevant subjects with minimum 45% marks in aggregate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Forensic Toxicology and Explosives

1 Year

Graduation in relevant subjects with minimum 45% marks in aggregate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Forensic Biology and Serology

1 Year

Graduation in relevant subjects with minimum 45% marks in aggregate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Forensic Ballistics

1 Year

Graduation in relevant subjects with minimum 45% marks in aggregate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Multimedia Forensics

1 Year

Graduation in relevant subjects with minimum 45% marks in aggregate

Post-Graduate Diploma in Cyber and Digital Forensics

1 Year

Graduation in relevant subjects with minimum 45% marks in aggregate

Certificate course in Social Media Crimes

6 Months

Pass in Class XII

Certificate course in Advanced Crime Scene Management

6 Months

Pass in Class XII

Certificate course in Forensic Photography

6 Months

Pass in Class XII

Certificate course in Graphology and Personality Profiling

6 Months

Pass in Class XII

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