  • +918800235665
Updated On - March 17th 2025, Updated By - Pankaj Singh

Himalayan Institute of Technology Dehradun Scholarship

SchemePlaceEligibilityScholarship %Remarks
Domicile Based ScholarshipUttarakhandPermanent resident with valid ID (Aadhar, Voter ID, Passport)40%On Tuition Fee only
Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Andaman & Nicobar Island-10%On Tuition Fee only. Govt. offers INR 25,000/- per annum
Girl Student ScholarshipAnyGraduation (50%) + Valid MAT/CAT/CMAT/XAT/ATMA score15%On Tuition Fee only. Valid for Girl Students only
HIT Alumni ScholarshipAnyGraduation (50%) + Valid MAT/CAT/CMAT/XAT/ATMA score35%On Tuition Fee only. Valid for HIT students only
AnyMore than 75% in Graduation + Valid MAT/CAT/CMAT/XAT/ATMA score40%On Tuition Fee only. Valid for HIT students only
Ward of Single MotherAnyGraduation (50%) + Valid MAT/CAT/CMAT/XAT/ATMA score15%On Tuition Fee only. Valid for ward of single mothers only
Ward of Defence Personnel (Serving/Retired)AnyGraduation (50%) + Valid MAT/CAT/CMAT/XAT/ATMA score15%On Tuition Fee only. Submission of Discharge Book/Service Certificate required
Wards of Martyrs of Defence PersonnelAnyGraduation (50%) + Valid MAT/CAT/CMAT/XAT/ATMA score90%On Tuition Fee only. Submission of Discharge Book & Martyr’s
Certificate required
Twins Brothers/SistersAnyGraduation (50%) + Valid MAT/CAT/CMAT/XAT/ATMA score15%On Tuition Fee only. Submission of valid Birth Certificate required

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Merit-Based Scholarships

Score in Entrance ExamGraduation ScoreScholarship %
90%+ in CAT/XATMore than 50%90%
80%-89.5% in CAT/XATMore than 50%85%
70%-79.5% in CAT/XATMore than 50%75%
60%-69.5% in CAT/XATMore than 60%65%
90%+ in MAT/CMAT/ATMA/NMATMore than 50%80%
80%-89.5% in MAT/CMAT/ATMA/NMATMore than 50%70%
70%-79.5% in MAT/CMAT/ATMA/NMATMore than 50%60%
60%-69.5% in MAT/CMAT/ATMA/NMATMore than 60%50%
75%-79.5% in GraduationValid Score in CAT/XAT/MAT/CMAT/ATMA15%
80%+ in GraduationValid Score in CAT/XAT/MAT/CMAT/ATMA20%

Sports Performance-Based Scholarships

SchemePlaceEligibilityScholarship %Remarks
Sports Performance-Based Scholarship (State Level & National Level)AnyGraduation (50%) + Valid MAT/CAT/CMAT/XAT/ATMA score10%-15%On Tuition Fee only. Submission of valid documents required
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