  • +918800235665
Updated On - March 21st 2025, Updated By - Lalit Singh

HIT Dehradun Ranking

HIT, Dehradun is one of the top-ranked colleges in Uttarakhand. Over the years, it has received many rankings and has been presented with many awards. The  awards and ranking are as follows - 

  • Awarded with Excellence in Education - 2019.
  • It was ranked as one of the most preferred 'Hotel Management Colleges in North India- 2019'.
  • Presented with the 'Agriculture College Leadership Award' in 2018.
  • Received a 5-star rating among the 'Best IT Colleges' in 2018.
  • Also, was recognized as one of the 'Best Education Brands' in 2018.
  • Received 'Best Institute Award for Innovation and Placement -2018'.
  • In 2017, was ranked one of the 'Best Emerging Business Colleges in Dehradun' 
  • and its 1st Future Orientation was held in the same year, 2017.
  • Was ranked 1st in the 'Top 10 Colleges in Uttarakhand Awards 2016. 
  • The different newspapers and news channels have also appreciated HIT.

Not only this, the chairman and some of the faculty members of the institution have been presented with multiple awards.

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