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Updated On - March 17th 2025, Updated By - Pankaj Singh

Jb Institute of Technology Dehradun Faculty

Jb Institute of Technology in Dehradun has organized a team of experienced faculty individuals. Each member of the faculty department has at least 2 years of experience. And, the experience is not only academic, but it's also the real & industrial working experience.

These faculty members are studied from India's most renowned educational institutes and have been a scholar in their own time. JBIT Dehradun's faculty is its biggest asset. The satisfactory placement results and performance of students in interstate competitions reflect the hard work and expert knowledge of this educator.

Many of these members have received awards for teaching and showing impressive performance. The capable director Prof. Dr Parul Goyal of JBIT Dehradun, also announced that college is proud of their faculty members, and is fully reliable on them for the future of their University.

S.No.Name of the FacultyDesignation
1Dr. B.V. SwarnalathammaProfessor, Dean First Year
2Dr. Raju DindigalaAssociate Professor, HOD-Mathematics
3Dr. Tahir ManzoorAssistant Professor
4Dr. Aijaz Ahmad MagrayAssistant Professor
5Mrs. B.N. PradeepaAssociate Professor
6Mr. G NagadharAssociate Professor
7Mr. Mallesh Kumar KothaAssistant Professor
8Mrs. Tasleem SultanaAssistant Professor
9Mr. K Lakshmi NarayanaAssistant Professor
10Mrs. D. AshwiniAssistant Professor
11Mrs. Supraja BirelliAssistant Professor
12Mrs. M. JyothiAssistant Professor
13Dr. K. VenkateshamAssociate Professor, HOD-Physics
14Dr. Narayanan Namboodiri PAssistant Professor
15Dr. Ravindra Rama MurthyAssociate Professor
16Dr. Prem PankajAssistant Professor
17Mr. J. Venkat ReddyAssociate Professor
18Mr. Ch. Ranjit KumarAssistant Professor
19Ms. K VaishnaviAssistant Professor
20Ms. Boya PoojithaAssistant Professor
21Dr. L. Vaikunta RaoProfessor, HOD-Chemistry, Dean R&D
22Dr. D. GouthamiAssociate Professor
23Dr. Pitta KartheekAssistant Professor
24Mrs. Prasanna ParchuriAssociate Professor
25Ms. Keshapally VinethaAssistant Professor
26Mrs. N. PadmasriAssistant Professor
27Mr. M. Bali ReddyAssociate Professor
28Mrs. T. ShravaniAssistant Professor
29Mr. S. SrinivasAssistant Professor
30Mr. B.G. Gopal Krishnam RajuAssistant Professor
31Dr. Nilamadhab PandaProfessor, HOD-English, Dean IRB
32Mr. Ch. Sravan KumarAssistant Professor
33Mr. V. GourishankarAssistant Professor
34Ms. Annie S DevAssistant Professor
35Mrs. M. SurekhaAssistant Professor
36Ms. Keerthana KunnamvallyAssistant Professor
37Mrs. Sangeetha MunnamgiAssistant Professor
38Mr. Maruthikrishna NivarthiAssistant Professor
39Mr. Jetty SrinivasuluAssistant Professor
40Ms. Abhisikta BandyopadhyayAssistant Professor
41Mrs. Sreelatha PAssistant Professor
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