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Updated On - February 3rd 2020, Updated By - Badshah Choudhary

MCM D.A.V College Chandigarh Admission 2021-19, Fee Structure & Courses

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Mehr Chand Mahajan DAV College for women, Chandigarh which is also known as MCM DAV was established in the year 1968. established by D.A.V College Managing Committee New Delhi to offer education service induced by Justice Mehr Chand Mahajan former Chief Justice of India. The college is affiliated to PU Chandigarh. The main aim of the institution is to offer the best education to its students so that they can be prepared well for the industrial requirements. The college has a reputation of being zero-pollution making many remarkable efforts in the direction of environmental preservation.  MCM D.A.V College for women offers many academic programs which are infused with well-defined curriculum and promote student’s intellect to become successful professionals. The college focuses on producing enlightened and potential women who would bring change in the society through their learning experiences. 

MCM D.A.V College Highlights Table

College NameMCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh
Affiliated ToPunjab University
Admission ProcessMerit Base
Apply ModeOnline/Offline
Counselling Yes


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MCM D.A.V College Chandigarh Admission Procedure 

  • For admission in the semester I of M.Com, B.Com, BBA, BCA, B.Sc Medical, Non-Medical Computer Application (Elective), Microbial  and Food Technology candidates can visit 
  • Admission form for M.A Semester I, M.Sc. Semester I, BA Semester I, PGDCA and PGDMC hard copy of the prospectus should be purchased from the college or procedure through registrar post. The duly filled form of B.A Semester I, PGDCA and PGDMC should be brought at the time of admission tentatively on 9th July 2021. 
  • The last tentative date of submitting application form for postgraduate courses semester –I 14.7.2021. The candidates are required to submit all the essential documents and the result of Semester VI of Undergraduate class latest by 16/07/2021 (tentative) till 4 pm otherwise the form will not be considered after that. 


Tentative Admission Schedule for Post Graduate courses Semester I 

Display of Merit List Admission Date Time 
17.7.202117th and 18th July 2021 8.30 am to 2 pm 

Duly filled application form attached to the college prospectus should be submitted. All columns in the admission form must be filled. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. For the hostel separate form is also available in the hostel prospectus.


Students Need To Attach Documents 

  • Details of marks certificate of all the result mentioned in the Academic Record Column.
  • Date of Birth 
  • Passport size photograph, posted on the admission form. 
  • Character certificate from the School /College last attended. 
  • Proof of Seeking exemption in Punjab Compulsory (10th standard Mark sheet)
  • The anti Ragging declaration form must be signed by all students.
  • Gap Year 
  • Girl Child Category Affidavit
  • Reserved category 
  • Migration  certificate 


Important Admission Dates 

Last Date for Online Submission of the Admission  Forms for all Centralized courses 23rd June 2021
Display of Provisional Merit List 25th June 2021
Notification of Discrepancies by students 27th June 2021
Display of Final Admission List 7th July 2021
Admission in MCM DAV College 9th July 2021
Date of Admission: July 9-10 (tentative) for the following courses:
B.A Semester I(Including Add on )July 9 only for the candidates who have secured 70% and above.
PG Diploma in Computer Application 10th July 2021
PG Diploma in Mass Communication  10th July 2021 
On the spot admission for all other programs begin from July 9, 2021, as per admission schedule (tentative) 
 Late admission 25/7/2021 to 13/8/2021 ( Allowed by the principal of the college with late fee of INR 560 per student)
Late admission 14/8/2021 to 31st /8/2021(allowed by the vice-chancellor, Panjab University, Chandigarh with late fee of INR 2040 per student.

Note –Counseling Facility for the new students will be available at the time of admission within campus between 9 am to 12.30 pm 


How to get the prospectus?

Send a DD of INR 900 for college prospectus and INR 850 for hostel prospectus in the favour of Principal, MCM D.A.V College for Women, payable at Chandigarh for the prospectus of session 2021-20. Please mention your name and address on the back of the demand draft. On the receipt of Demand Draft, the college will dispatch a copy of the prospectus to you within 7 working days. 

All the Foreign students shall obtain eligibility certificate from deputy registrar, Panjab University. The admission of the foreign students would be governed by the guidelines of Dean Foreign Students, Panjab University.


MCM D.A.V College Chandigarh Courses 

MCM D.A.V College offers ample scope to the students to select the course of their choice. The college runs degree classes in the stream of education- Science, commerce, Humanities with honours in 10 subjects. The college has 25 departments offering as many as 19 programs. The college is also running PG courses in 9 different disciplines. There list of courses with eligibility criteria as follows:

Courses NameSpecializationEligibility CriteriaGet Detail Fees
B.C.A. -----------------10+2 in PCM Stream or any equivalentClick Here
M.SC Information TechnologyHold the degree of BSc IT/ BCA or equivalent
PGD Computer Application
Mass Communication
Passed Postgraduation with related field
B.COM-----------------Passed 12th in commerce stream or equivalent
B. SC Microbial and Food Technology10+2 in PCM / PCB Stream or any equivalent
B.A. English10+2 in any stream for a recognised board
M.A. English
Passed a bachelor's degree or a related field as a subject

Explore More MCM D.A.V College Chandigarh CoursesClick Here


MCM D.A.V College, Chandigarh Fees Structure 

MCM D.A.V College fees structure is nominal that candidates can pay at the time of admission. The detail fees structure as follows:

CoursesSemester I&IISemester III & IVSemester V&VI
BA(Office Management)200401911019110
B.Sc (medical)206301970019700
B.Sc. (Non-Medical)199101898018980
B.Sc (Computer Application )259102498024980
B.Sc. (Microbial and Food Technology)372003627036270
B.Com 239302300023000
BBA 31820 3089030890
MA(English, Hindi, Sociology and Economics)2006019210N/A
PG Diploma in Computer Application 24490N/AN/A
PG Mass Communication 24490N/AN/A

Practical fee @ INR 700- per year for Home Science /Music /Psychology / Fine Arts


Fees Structure for Add-on- Courses 

Communicative English 28902890
Video Reporting 28902890
Interior Designing and Decoration 28902890
French 28902890

Annual Parking Charges INR 680 P/A

Fee liable to be changed. The fee structure will be as per the latest Panjab university Guidelines.


MCM D.A.V College Chandigarh Ranking 

MCM DAV College, Chandigarh is one of the top colleges for women in Punjab state as well as North India. The college holds a prestigious record in terms of disseminating quality education. It is ranked 25th in India’s Best Arts colleges by India today in 2021 and holds many other awards.


MCM D.A.V College Chandigarh Cut-Off

The cut -off of MCM College, Chandigarh is made on the basis of academic qualification of the last qualifying exanimation. Cut off is the standard percentage criteria set by the admission committee on the basis of which the admission is done. The cut-off may be set from 80 to 60 % or can be 70 to 55 %. The merit list is will be declared in two or three rounds. 



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