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Updated On - February 17th 2025, Updated By - Vidhyaa

Nimbus Academy of Management Dehradun Q&A

Q: What is the eligibility criteria for admission to BCA at Nimbus Academy of Management?
A: The eligibility criteria for BCA at Nimbus Academy of Management require candidates to have completed 10+2 (or equivalent) from a recognized board with a minimum percentage. 

Q: How can I get admission to BBA at Nimbus Academy of Management?
A: Admission to BBA at Nimbus Academy of Management can be secured through merit-based selection, entrance exams. Interested candidates should apply online or visit the campus for further details.

Q: What is the fee for BCA at Nimbus Academy of Management?
A: The fee for BCA at Nimbus Academy of Management is 50,000/- Rs per year for a duration of 3 years.

Q: How do I get admission to Nimbus Academy of Management?
A: Admission to Nimbus Academy of Management requires candidates to meet the eligibility criteria for their chosen course, submit an application, and follow the selection process, which may include merit-based admission or an entrance test.

Q: Which courses does Nimbus Academy of Management offer?

A: NAM offers MBA, BBA, BCA, B.A, B.Com.

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