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Updated On - September 23rd 2019, Updated By - Vidhyaa

SDM College of Physiotherapy Dharwad Admission 2021, Fee Structure & Courses

SDM College of Physiotherapy Dharwad was established in Karnataka in the year 1996. This is a reputed college which is accredited from IAP and is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University. SDM College, Dharwad is the top college that offers many specializations in physiotherapy. The college runs under the aegis of SDME Society founded by Dr.D.Veerendra Heggadeji. The college is spread over on 80 acres with the lush green campus. There are many reasons to join this prestigious institution that are:

  • Well Qualified experienced staff 
  • Well equipped Furnish classrooms 
  • Excellent Library and Internet Facilities  
  • Excellent Clinical Facilities ( to practice in SDM Medical Hospital)
  • Well Furnished hospital and mess facilities for boys and girls.
  • Community Filed experience is attached to the SDMCMS rural and Urban Centre.
  • Extra Curricular Activities 
  • Recreation Facilities 

SDM College Dharwad also offers an excellent platform to its students to practice their specialization and achieve the best of their goals. Many students SDM, Dharwad are practising in some top reputed medical organization if the country.  It is recognized as the sixth best college of Physiotherapy in India by Indian Council of Market Research.


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SDM College of Physiotherapy Admission 2021 

  • Admission in SDM College is done by the rules and regulation of Rajiv Gandhi University.
  • Notification will be flashed on the college official website.
  • Before applying students must meet the course criteria.
  • Admission will be given strictly on the merit after document verification.


SDM College of Physiotherapy Application Process 

  • SDM College of Physiotherapy application can be downloaded from the official website. 
  • Candidates have to apply offline. 
  • For this candidates have to take a print out of a hard copy.
  • Fill all the mandatory details and attach all the documents with the coloured passport size photograph. 
  • Send it with the attach DD (to be inquired) mentioning particular application fee amount. 
  • The application must reach before the deadline to the below mention address :
    • SDM College of Physiotherapy 
      Manjushree Nagar, Sattur, Dharwad-580009
      Karnataka, India 


Xerox Documents To be Attached with Application Form 

  • X, XII mark sheet.
  • BPT provisional degree certificate /Original certificate (if Applying for Masters)
  • Eligibility Certificate issued by Shri Dharmasthala Manjunastheshwara University (For other than Shri Dharmasthala Manjunastheshwara University)
  • Character Certificate and Attempt certificate issued by the head of Institution.
  • Migration Certificate.
  • 3 passports Size and 3 stamp size photograph.
  • E stamps 100 Rs 1st person, Student Name 2nd Person SDM College of Physiotherapy.Subject- Undertaking. 
  • Two sets of all the documents with attestation.
  • Address Proof (Aadhar Card Copy and Bank passbook copy).
  • Anti-ragging online declaration. 


SDM College of Physiotherapy Courses 

SDM College offers physiotherapy course at UG and PG level. The courses are designed by highly skilled medical professionals and are taught by the best faculty in Physiotherapy who have top experience in this stream. Courses that are offered by the college are:


SDM College of Physiotherapy BPT Or Bachelors of Physiotherapy 

  • It is 4 year UG course width 6 months of clinical internship. Students who are willing to take admission in BPT:
  • Should Have passed two years Pre University examination conducted by the Department of Pre University Education, Karnataka State with English as one of the subjects and PCB as an optional subject. Candidates must have passed in subjects of English, Physics. Chemistry and Biology.
  • Candidates should have passed any other examination conducted by Boards/Council/Central Government recognized as equivalent to two year Pre University Examination by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences /AIU  with English as one of the subjects and PCB as optional subject. Candidates must have passed subjects of English, PCB individually also. 
  • Non-Karnataka candidates and CBSE candidate should apply eligibility certificate to Rajiv Gandhi University, Bangalore. 


SDM College of Physiotherapy MPT or Masters of Physiotherapy 

  • Candidates who have passed B.Sc (PT) or BPT degree from institution where the mode of study is a full-time program with minimum 3 ½  years /4 ½  years of duration from this university or any other university in India or Abroad or equivalent with not less than 505 marks  in Aggregate sand Have Completed six months internship in physiotherapy college recognized by RGHUS – Karnataka are Eligible .
  • Correspondence and distance learner are not eligible. 
  • Candidates who have passed BPT through Bridge Course or through Lateral Entry after completing their diploma in physiotherapy from institution where the mode of study is full-time program from the university or any other university India or abroad as equivalent with not less than 50% marks  in aggregate and have completed 6 months of compulsory rotating internship in Physiotherapy colleges recognized by RGUHS- Karnataka  are eligible . Candidates who have passed BPT through correspondence or Distance Education program are eligible.


SDM College of Physiotherapy Course Fees

Fees Structure in INR
Indian  Foreign NRISARRC
UG -1000UG- 20,000UG- 5000UG-5000
PG- 2000PG-20,000PG-5000PG-5000
Note – Fees can be P/A or per semester ( will be mentioned at the time of admission)


















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