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Updated On - March 14th 2020, Updated By -

UIHMT College Dehradun Fees Structure

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The fees structure of UIHMT Institute of Hospitality Management and Tourism is pocket-friendly. The fees vary from course to course or also depend if any additional facilities are given. At the time of admission, candidates are supposed to pay admission fee along with security fee. The security fees will be refunded after completion of a course. Tuition fees start from 1k to 2lakh P/A (may include other facilities along with tuition fee).

Uttaranchal Institute of Hospitality Management and Tourism Dehradun Courses With Fees

Here are the courses wise fees detail of Uttaranchal Institute of Hospitality Management and Tourism Dehradun. You can check here-

CoursesFees 2021Duration
BHM (Bachelor Of Hotel Management)60,000 P/A4 Years
BBA - Hotel Management60,000 P/A3 Years
Master Of Hotel Management60,000 P/A2 Years
Diploma In Hotel Management60,000 P/A3 Years

UIHMT College Dehradun Courses

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