B.Tech. Information Technology Admission 2021
B.Tech. - Information Technology (IT) is a 4 years bachelor’s degree program. It has a major focus on the computers and technology. Under this course, students will study the subjects of Dimension of Information Technology, Engineering Mathematics, Applications of MS-Windows, Computer Languages, Computer Organization, and Introduction to Web Technology etc. Further, they will know about the basic of computer hardware components and their terminologies.
If you have basic knowledge of computers such as hardware, software, operating system, components, etc, then Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology right course choice for you.
After being graduated with this B.Tech in IT degree they can find many career opportunities in HCL Technologies, Tech Mahindra, Microsoft, IBM, Wipro, Matrix Solutions, Infosys and more.
B.Tech Information Technology Syllabus
Semester : I
- Mathematics - I (Calculus)
- Physics
- Mechanics of Solids
- Engineering Graphics (Programming and Computing)
- Communicative English
- Mechanical Workshop Practices
Semester : II
- Mathematics II (Linear Algebra)
- Chemistry
- Environment and Energy Studies
- Art of Programming
- Communication Skills
- Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- Electrical Workshop Practices
Semester : III
- Basic Electronics
- Digital Systems
- Object Oriented Programming
- Mathematical foundation of Computer Science
- Applied Mathematics
- ICT Tools and Security
- Entrepreneurship
- Community Services
Semester : IV
- Communication Engineering
- Computer Organization
- Data Structures
- Probability Statistics and Numerical Analysis
- Seminar
- Mini Project – I
- Computer Peripherals Workshop
- Economics for Engineers
- Ethics and Values
Semester : V
- Theory of Computation
- Database Management Systems
- Data Communication Networks
- Operating Systems
- Web designing
- Mini Project- II
- Law for Engineers
- Fractional Course
Semester : VI
- Software Engineering
- University Elective
- Capstone Course (Information Technology)
- Creativity & Innovation (Information Technology)
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- .net Technologies (Elective I)
- Java Technologies (Elective I)
- Objective C Programming (Elective I)
- Embedded C Programming (Elective I)
- LAMP Technologies (Elective I)
- Mobile Applications Development Technologies (Elective I)
- Advanced Computer Networks (Elective II)
- Machine Human Interface (Elective II)
- Computer Graphics and Visualization (Elective II)
- Main Frame Systems (Elective II)
- Network Security and Encryption (Elective II)
- Cloud Computing (Elective II)
- Mini Project III
- Software Testing (Elective II)
- Business Analysis and Optimization (Elective II)
- IT Industry Management (Elective III)
- Machine Learning (Elective III)
- Data Mining (Elective III)
- Parallel and Distributed computing (Elective III)
- Advanced Data Structures (Elective III)
- Natural Language Processing (Elective III)
Semester : VII
- Deep Learning (Elective IV)
- Network Protocol
- Network Programming
- Artificial Intelligence (Elective IV)
- Information Retrieval System (Elective IV)
- Data Compression(ElectiveIV)
- Compiler Construction
- Web security (Elective IV)
- Organizational Behaviour
- Big data analytics (Elective IV)
- Agile Software Development (Elective IV)
- Secure software engineering (Elective IV)
- Practical Trainining
- System Software (Elective I)
- Wireless Networks (Elective IV)
- Minor project
- Database Administration(Elective IV)
- System administration(Elective IV)
- Digital Image Processing(Elective IV)
Semester : VIII
- Project
B.Tech Information Technology Scope
B.Tech in Information Technology has wide Scope in private as well as goverment sector. After completing this degree program, you can apply in any various companies like
- HCL Technologies
- Tech Mahindra,
- Oracle,
- Patni Computer system
- Wipro technology etc.
You will be responsible to play roles like Information Technology officer, teacher & lecturer, Web Developer & Designer, Database manager etc.
How to get Admission in B.Tech IT Courses
To get admission into B.Tech Course you need to know the following procedure-
- You have to crack an entrance exam namely JEE Main, JEE advanced or any other as conducted by University/Institute.
- You have to score valid marks in the qualifying examination.
- There are many others university/Institute, which offers direct admission on the basis of your obtained marks in 10+2 examination.
- The final selection of the candidate will be based on a merit list as conducted by University/Institute.
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