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M. Tech. - Electronics and Communications Engineering (part time) Admission 2021 & Top Colleges

M. Tech. - Electronics and Communications Engineering is known as Master of Technology in Electronics and Communications Engineering, which is a postgraduate degree program. This course is all about the knowledge of logic designs and digital electronics, along with the fundamentals of communication engineering, signals and systems, electronic circuits, power electronics, integrated circuits, VLSI, control systems, applied electromagnetic theory and computer architecture. Under this course, students will study the subject such as Advance Communication Systems, Electronic System Design, VLSI and Nanotechnology, Wireless and Mobile, Advanced Professional Communication and etc. Through this course, students will be involved in the designing, developing, analyzing of electronics and communication circuits and systems. In addition, students who hold Bachelor’s degree of B.E or B. SC in computer science or electronics can only apply for this Master degree program. After completion of this degree, they can find many job prospectuses such as Trainee Electronics Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Systems Engineer, Hardware Design Engineer, Telecommunication Engineer etc.

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