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M. Tech- Nanotechnology Admission 2021 & Top Colleges

M. Tech- Nanotechnology is known as Master of Technology in Nanotechnology, which is a postgraduate degree program. Nanotechnology is the Engineering of tiny machines, using techniques and tools to make complete and highly advanced products. It enables the control of matter at the nanometer scale, using mechanochemistry.  It mainly focuses on the technologies that involve in the miniaturization of electronic and optical devices. Under this course, students will learn about the creation of smaller, cheaper, lighter and faster devices that can do more and clever things by the use of fewer raw materials and it consumes less energy. Further, they will know regarding the current micro technologies which include design and fabrication of microelectronic circuits, Microsystems, and optoelectronics.
In addition, students who hold B.E or B. Tech degree can apply for this Master program. Once they will gain this degree, they can find many career opportunities in Health Industry, Environment Industry, Bio-Technology, Product Development and Advising, R&D in Government, Space Research etc.

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