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PG Certificate - Communications Engineering Admission 2021 & Top Colleges

PG Certificate - Communications Engineering is known as Post Graduate Certificate in Communication Engineering, which is a postgraduate certificate program. This course is all about the knowledge and skills in the progressive filed of wireless technology. It covers the basic circuit design to strategic mass developments. Under this course, students will get knowledge about electrical circuits, signal and systems, digital signal and systems, digital communication systems, fiber optic Technology; cellular radio Designs, optical networks and etc. Through this course, students can enhance their skills that require in Communication Engineering.  At the same time, they will gain theoretical and practical training. Moreover, students who hold Bachelor degree of B.E or B. Tech or B.SC can only apply for this certificate program. After completion of this course, they can search many job opportunities in Defense, NPL, A.I.R, Posts and Telegraph Department, Railways, Bharat Electronics Limited, D.R.D.O, Telecommunication, Software Engineering/IT etc.

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