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Updated On - September 23rd 2019, Updated By - Vidhyaa

SDM College Dharwad Admission 2021 Fee Structure & Courses

SDM College, Dharwad or SDM Medical college is located at Manjusreenagar in Dharwad, Karnataka. The college was established in the year 2003 near to Naval air railway station in between Hubli and Dharwad. The college is imparting education to thousands of students all over Karnataka through “SDM educational Society” whose president is Dr D. Veerendra Heggade. The college has its own hospital which was started in the year 2002 whose foundation laid by former chief minister Mr S.M Krishna. Along with the hospital, the institute is running colleges like: 

The main aim of the institution is to offer comprehensive healthcare at an affordable cost and to provide good clinical support for medical education and research. The college is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore

SDM College Highlight Table

College NameDharmasthala Manjunathasthwara College, Dharwad
College TypePrivate
AffiliationRajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
Admission Criteria BasicEntrance/Marit Base
Name Of EntranceKCET (B.E)/PGCET (M.Tech)/KMAT (MBA)
Mode of EntranceOffline
Apply ModeOffline


Get Detail SDM College Dharwad Fee StructureClick Here 


Why Join SDM Dharwad

  • Highly qualified staff and faculties. 
  • Well equipped classrooms.
  • Well stocked library and Internet Facilities 
  • Offer platform to practice in SDM Medical Hospital
  • Well Furnished hospital and mess facilities for boys and girls.
  • Community Field is attached to the SDMCMS rural and Urban Centre.
  • Extra Curricular Activities 
  • Recreation Facilities 


SDM College Dharwad Admission 2021 

  • Admission to SDM College, Dharwad is done as per rules of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. 
  • Admissions are going on and candidates can easily apply through official website 
  • Before applying, candidates must check the course eligibility criteria. 
  • Admission will be done on the basis of counselling. 
  • Since this institution has many colleges running under it like engineering college, dental college, nursing college, paramedical colleges and Physiotherapy College so it offers a variety of courses under each college whose admission criteria vary from course to course. 


SDM Dharwad Courses 

SDM, Dharwad has many colleges running like Medical College, Nursing College and Physiotherapy College. These  colleges offer courses like:

Courses NameSpecializationEligibility CriteriaGet Detail Fees
MBBSN/A12th passed with PCB as a subjectClick Here
MDMultiple Specialization Must have completed MBBS/.BAMS with a minimum score of 50%
MSGeneral Surgery 
Candidates must be MBBS with a minimum of 50% marks. 
DPHN/AMBBS  with one-year continuous training in any medical college recognized by MCI 
Medical Laboratory Technology (CMLT/DMLT)
Medical X-Ray Technology(COTT/DOTT)
ophthalmic technology(COT/DOT)
Dialysis Technology (CDT/DDT)
N/A12th passed out in any stream or science stream.
GNMN/AMinimum age of 17years 12th passed with PCB as the subject. 
B.Sc NursingN/A12th pass out with PCB as the subjects
M.Sc NursingN/AMust have a graduate degree in B.Sc. Nursing or equivalent
BPTN/A12th passed out from a recognized board in PCB subjects. 
MPTN/AGraduation in a relevant background

Explore More SDM College Dharwad CoursesClick Here


SDM, Dharwad Admission Criteria for Paramedical Courses 

The paramedical admission board selects and imparts 2 years course to PUC holders and 3 years course to SSLC candidates.  


  • PUC (Science) pass pr SSLC pass for 2 years and 3 years courses respectively should have studied for 7 years in Karnataka age 15 to 35 years (40 years for SC/ST).
  • Selection of candidates will be made on the basis of Merit cum- Category through central counselling both at a government institution. 
  • Students who have studied at least 7 years in Karnataka from 1st to 10th standard.
  • Standard or PUC science will be given permission to attend counselling to Para Medical Board course. 


SDM Dharwad Admission Criteria For Nursing Courses 

  • Diploma Nursing -12th passed in sciences with science stream (PCBE) or equivalent stream with English as one of a subject. 
  • B.Sc. Nursing - Must have passed GNM and must have registered with the State Nursing Council. 
  • M.Sc.Nursing  - Must have passed B.Sc. nursing with 1-year work experience or P.B B.Sc. Nursing and registered with the state nursing registration council.


SDM Dharwad Admission Criteria For Physiotherapy Courses 


  • Candidate Should Have been passed two years Pre University examination conducted by the Department of Pre University Education, Karnataka State with English as one of the subjects and PCB as an optional subject. Candidates must have passed in subjects of English, Physics. Chemistry and Biology.
  • Candidates should have passed any other examination conducted by Central/Boards/Council/ AIU  with English as one of the subjects and PCB as optional subject/Government recognized as equivalent to two year Pre University Examination in Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. Candidates must have passed subjects of English, PCB individually also. 
  • Non-Karnataka candidates and CBSE candidate should apply eligibility certificate to Rajiv Gandhi University, Bangalore. 


  • Candidates who have passed B.Sc. (PT) or BPT degree from institution where the mode of study is a full-time program with minimum 3 ½  years /4 ½  years of duration from this university or any other university in India or Abroad or equivalent with not less than 50% marks  in aggregate and have completed six months internship in physiotherapy college recognized by RGHUS – Karnataka are eligible .
  • Correspondence and distance learner are not eligible. 
  • Qualify the BPT through Bridge Course or through Lateral Entry after completing their diploma in physiotherapy from institution where the mode of study is full-time program from the university or any other university of India or abroad as equivalent with not less than a minimum of 50% marks  in aggregate and have completed 6 months of compulsory rotating internship in Physiotherapy colleges Approval by RGUHS- Karnataka  are eligible . Candidates who have passed BPT through correspondence or Distance Education program are eligible.


SDM Dharwad Admission Criteria For Medical Courses 

MBBS/MD/MS, Diploma

The medical college is managed by Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Educational Society, Ujire/Dharwad which has Linguistic Minority status (TULU Language ). Admission criteria for MBBS course as per Post Graduate Regulation 2000 of Medical Council of India, the minimum percentage of marks in the Entrance Test for eligibility for admission to Post Graduate courses shall be  50% for General Merit candidates and 40% for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes , Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes belonging to Karnataka state. Candidates must meet all the requirements of Medical Council of India and must have completed or completed internship by 30th April of the calendar.

Medical Council Of India Norms in case of MD/MS Admission In SDM Dharwad

Every candidate should have been selected for admission Postgraduate Medical course m should have held the MBBS degree or equivalent qualification and should have obtained permanent registration with the Medical Council of India or any of Medical Council or should obtain the same  within one month from the date of admission, failing which the admission of the candidates will be cancelled.

In another case of a student of Foreign National, the Medicals Council of India may, on payment of the prescribed fee for the registration, grant temporary registration for the duration of the Postgraduate training restricted to the institution & college to which the applicant is admitted for the time being exclusively for Post Graduate studies. Temporary registration to such the foreign national shall be subject to the condition that such person is duly registered as a medical practitioner in his own country from which s/he has obtained his/her degree is recognized by the corresponding council his/her basic medical qualification and that; or concerned authority in India.






















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