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Updated On - July 17th 2020, Updated By - Poonam Tiwari

CPS International Science Supremo Olympiad (ISSO) 2020, Eligibility Criteria, Application Form & Last Date

International Science Supremo Olympiad 2020 is being conducted by the Competition Promotion Society (CPS). Students studying in class 1st to class 12th can apply for this Olympiad. The objective of this Olympiad is to provide the right insight into the actual challenge and prepares the students for future competition.


Eligibility Criteria for ISSO 2020

Students who are pursuing studies of class 1st to class 12th can participate in this Olympiad.


CPS International Science Supremo Olympiad Reward

1st Level:

  • Top rank holders of each class who have secured 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze medals respectively.
  • All the participants will get a certificate indicating marks obtained, class rank and Olympiad rank.
  • All class toppers and state toppers who have secured rank 1 and minimum 50 % marks in a particular subject will be eligible for 2nd level examination.

2nd Level:

  • Candidates of each class holding 1st rank and 90 % or above marks will be awarded a TAB along with an attractive memento.
  • 2nd Olympiad rank holder securing a minimum 80 % marks will receive a digital camera and an attractive memento for their achievement.
  • 3rd Olympiad rank holder of each class with 70 % marks will receive a mobile phone and an attractive memento as a present.
  • 4th to 10th Olympiad rank holder of each class will get will receive a branded wristwatch while 11th to 30th Olympiad rank holder will get a branded pen.

3rd Level:

  • With minimum 95% marks, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Olympiad rank holders will get INR 70,000/-, INR 50,000/- and INR 30,000/- respectively.
  • Level 3rd will be held in Delhi.

Application Process for CPS International Science Supremo Olympiad 2020

Following is the application process of CPS International Science Supremo Olympiad:

  1. There is an only offline mode to apply for this Olympiad.
  2. Candidates are required to apply through their respective schools.
  3. Click on the below link to download the application form.
  4. Fill all the required details including school details, student’s details, etc.
  5. The applicable registration fee is INR 120/- charged from each applicant.
  6. The fees can be paid either through bank transfer or demand draft. 
  7. The demand draft must be drawn in favor of the Competition Promotion Society, payable at New Delhi.
  8. Bank details in which amount to be transferred are given below:

Account name - Competition Promotion Society,
A/C No. - 50200009389450,
Bank name - HDFC bank,
Branch name - Okhla Phase-1, New Delhi,
IFSC code - HDFC0001385,
Swift code - HDFCCINBB

The filled-in application form along with all necessary documents must be reached to the following address:

C-163, 1st Floor, Okhla Industrial Area,
Phase-I, New Delhi-110 020 
Phone No.: 011-26818624/26


Important Dates

All the participants can check here the application and exam dates related to Olympiad:

  • Application deadline: 31st Aug 2020
  • Olympiad dates: 16th October and 23rd November 2020.


Selection Procedure

Students will get selected solely on the basis of their performance in this Olympiad.

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