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Updated On - July 18th 2020, Updated By - Poonam Tiwari

Hindi Scholarship (HS), Kerala 2019-20 | Eligibility Criteria, Last Date & Online Application Form

Directorate of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala has released the applications of Hindi Scholarship (HS), Kerala 2019 for students studying undergraduate or postgraduate courses with Hindi as one of the subjects. The government is providing an opportunity to the students of Kerala to avail scholarship for pursuing higher education. This initiative is basically taken to encourage the students to include Hindi in their higher studies.


Reward Of Hindi Scholarship (HS), Kerala 

The students who will be selected for this scholarship will get the following benefits

  • The undergraduate students will get INR 500/- per month.
  • The postgraduates will receive INR 1,000/- per month.
  • There is a total of 180 scholarships sanctioned for undergraduate students and 59 scholarships for postgraduate students.


Hindi Scholarship (HS), Kerala Eligibility 2019-20

Candidates wishing to apply for this scholarship must check their eligibility from here

  • A candidate must be the permanent resident of Kerala state.
  • The applicant must pursue the undergraduate or postgraduate course with Hindi as one of the subjects in the current course.


How To Apply For Hindi Scholarship (HS), Kerala

Students can follow the given below steps to fill the online application form of Hindi Scholarship (HS), Kerala

  1. The application form can be filled through online mode only.
  2. Click here to apply online
  3. Now, students are asked to fill their registration details of matriculation, personal details, details, of course, permanent address, bank details, etc.
  4. Fill all the details carefully. otherwise, the application will lead to rejection.
  5. Note down your registration ID and password for future reference.
  6. Finally, accept the declaration and submit the form.


Important Dates

Check here all the dates related to Hindi Scholarship (HS), Kerala

Application released on – 31st July 2019
Application deadline – 31st Aug 2020
The last date extended for students institutional level verification – 15th November 2020


Selection Procedure

Based on the fulfillment of eligibility conditions, students will be selected for the award of scholarship. Also, a student’s financial background will be taken into consideration for providing the scholarship.

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