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Updated On - December 31st 2021, Updated By - Pankaj Singh

NSDL Shiksha Sahyog Scholarship for 11th Students 2022-23: Last date, Online Apply & Eligibility Criteria

Vidyasaarthi and NSDL together brought you the NSDL Shiksha Sahyog Scholarship for 11th Students. This scholarship is available for each gender and there is an attractive financial reward included in it. Students interested in attempting for this scholarship should pass basic eligibility criteria.

Let's have a look over further but other important details of this scholarship


Am I eligible for this scholarship?

In order to get shortlisted for this scholarship:-

  • The applicant must be a student of 11th class.
  • The annual family income of the applicant must be lower than INR 3,00,000 P/A.
  • After getting selected for the scholarship, the applicant is required to sign an undertaking, which denotes that, funds received by students from NSDL & their CSR expenditure, will be used for education purposes only.

Reward Amount in this scholarship

INR 5000 is the announced reward amount of this scholarship


What are the documents required for this scholarship?

  • Identity Proof (PAN/Voter ID/Passport)
  • Latest Passing Marksheet
  • School Fee Receipt
  • Student's Bank Passbook
  • Bonafide from the College

Note: Images of all documents should be uploaded in.JPEG or.PNG format.


How to Apply for the NSDL Shiksha Sahyog Scholarship 2022 for Class 11th?

To apply for this scholarship, simply follow these steps:-

  1. Sign-Up and Register in Vidyasaarthi Portal
  2. Complete your profile with the necessary information and documents.
  3. After completing your user profile, search and apply for relevant schemes in which you are eligible.


What dates should we save, regarding the NSDL Shiksha Sahyog Scholarship for Class 11th?

These are the important dates for this scholarship

  • Starting Date: 23rd March 2022
  • Final Date: 31st May 2022




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