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Updated On - February 27th 2020, Updated By -

Pre Matric SC Class 9th and 10th Scholarship Tripura 2019-20, Eligibility, Last Date & Application Form  

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (Government of India) is inviting applications from the students of 9th and 10th for the Pre Matric SC Class 9th & 10th Scholarship, Tripura 2019. Students who'll get shortlisted for this Scholarship will receive variable rewards. After conducting several surveys by the government, the result that came out was majorly shocking. A huge number of students, discontinue their education after the 9th or usually after 10th, just because of the financial problem of their family. This situation starts becoming a serious issue from the past few years, as the adverse effects of it also started reflecting on the Literacy level of our nation. To encounter this problem, most of the Indian states' governments like Tripura govt, start providing scholarships to their students. 

Eligibility for Pre Matric Scholarship SC Students

For this Scholarship, the applicant must fulfill these requirements:-

  • Applicant must belong to schedule cast community
  • The family income of the applicant must be less than INR 2,50,000
  • Applicant must not be getting any other centrally funded scholarship
  • Applicant must have a validate Aadhar Card
  • The applicant is also required to be a regular student of any government school or government recognized school.

Rewards and Benefits offered by this Scholarship

Students who'll get shortlisted for this scholarship will receive these rewards:-

  • INR 250/month (For Day Scholars)• INR 525/month (For Hostellers)
  • Book & Ad HOC = INR 750 (For Day Scholars) & INR 1000 (For Hostellers)
  • Reader Allowance for Blind Students is INR 160
  • Transport Allowance for students with Physical Disabilities will be INR 160 Per Month
  • Escort Allowance for majorly disabled day scholars INR 160/month
  • Helper Allowance for handicapped students INR 160/month (Hosteller)
  • Coaching Allowance for Mentally Disabled Students INR 240/month

Application Process for Pre Matric  Scholarship SC Class 9th and 10th Tripura 2019-20

Follow up these steps, and you will be applying for this scholarship in no time:-

  1. Reach the Homepage of National Scholarship Portal by clicking on this link: New Registration
  2. Select the Undertaking and move further by clicking on Continue
  3. Select the domicile certificate you have, category of scholarship, scheme type & enter the name of the applicant, gender, age, DOB, mobile no, email-id, and Aadhar card no.
  4. Put the necessary bank details (Bank Name, IFSC Code, Account Number)
  5. After filling all the details, click on the register button.
  6. The mobile number you have entered will receive an OTP for verification.
  7. Login by using OTP you've received and fill up the complete form.
  8. Keep secure the Application ID and Password you'll receive for future references.

Date to remember regarding Scholarship
Last Date of Applying for this scholarship: 20th January 2020

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