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Updated On - May 22nd 2021, Updated By - Pankaj Singh

Pre Matric Scholarship Scheme For Minorities 2021, Eligibility, Application Form, Last Date

Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India is the authority offering Pre Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities 2021. It is meant for the students studying in Class 1st to 10th and belongs to the minority community. The objective of this scholarship scheme is empowerment through education. Also, it has the motive to financially help and support the students of the minority community in completing school education. 


Rewards of Pre Matric Minority Scholarship Scheme 2021

Students will be given financial assistance in admission/tuition fee and maintenance allowance as mentioned below

  • Students of class 6th to class 10th will get INR 500/- per annum as admission fee (both hostellers and day scholars).
  • The tuition fee of INR 350/- per month will be given to the students of class 6th to class 10th (both day scholars and hostellers).
  • Class 1st to class 5th day scholar students will get a maintenance allowance of INR 100/- per month.
  • Class 6th to class 10thhosteller students will get a maintenance allowance of INR 600/- per month while day scholars will get INR 100/- per month.


Eligibility For Scholarship Scheme for Minorities 2021

Here, students can check their eligibility for Pre Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities 2019

  • Students studying in Class 1st to 10th can apply for this scholarship.
  • Applicants must belong to minority community (Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jains and Zoroastrians/Parsis).
  • In order to apply, it is necessary for the students to secure not less than 50 % marks in the previous final examination.
  • An annual income of the applicant parent’s/guardian must not exceed INR 1 lac.


How To Apply For Pre Matric Minority Scholarship Scheme 2021

The online application process of Pre Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities is as follows

  1. Click here to register online
  2. Enter your name, state of domicile, gender, mobile number, DOB, email ID, scholarship category, bank details, etc.
  3. After clicking on register, you will get an OTP in your registered mobile number.
  4. Enter OTP and fill the scholarship form.
  5. Applicants must fill all the details carefully and correctly.
  6. One candidate can submit only one application form as multiple applications will lead to rejection.
  7. Candidates must note down the generated application ID and password for further use.


List Of Required Documents
  • Aadhar card
  • Bank Details (account number and IFSC code)
  • Income certificate


Important Dates

Application form of the Pre Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities 2018-19 has been released. Students can submit the form on or before 15th November.


Selection Process

Students will be selected on the basis of their financial condition and family income. In case, if the family income of 2 applicants is the same, then the result will be drawn on the basis of DOB of the student (senior student will get preference). The scholarship will be renewed only if a student maintains 50 % marks in the previous final examination.

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